diff --git a/.python3.11.checksum b/.python3.11.checksum
index a43816befa4b7d4205faa8c85e281226bdafba0e..cf0e0e05618e2f605528ff355cf262fdf9e324b2 100644
--- a/.python3.11.checksum
+++ b/.python3.11.checksum
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/.python3.11.metadata b/.python3.11.metadata
index b1ee8e086a2734e4431935d30b541f9230b63e81..7802c5c11740b890b243fb0272a87a5665445cbe 100644
--- a/.python3.11.metadata
+++ b/.python3.11.metadata
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
-29e4b8f5f1658542a8c13e2dd277358c9c48f2b2f7318652ef1675e402b9d2af SOURCES/Python-3.11.2.tar.xz
+85cd12e9cf1d6d5a45f17f7afe1cebe7ee628d3282281c492e86adf636defa3f SOURCES/Python-3.11.5.tar.xz
+fb28243ffeb9725b14b60586a9a123682a89604c025b7a9d4bcdeb67078203c6 SOURCES/pgp_keys.asc
diff --git a/SOURCES/00397-tarfile-filter.patch b/SOURCES/00397-tarfile-filter.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3c4ebf41bf15466a659253b4caf20b0a4f509aee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/00397-tarfile-filter.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+From 8b70605b594b3831331a9340ba764ff751871612 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Petr Viktorin <encukou@gmail.com>
+Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2023 17:24:24 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] CVE-2007-4559, PEP-706: Add filters for tarfile extraction
+ (downstream)
+Add and test RHEL-specific ways of configuring the default behavior: environment
+variable and config file.
+ Lib/tarfile.py           |  42 +++++++++++++
+ Lib/test/test_shutil.py  |   3 +-
+ Lib/test/test_tarfile.py | 128 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
+ 3 files changed, 169 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/Lib/tarfile.py b/Lib/tarfile.py
+index 130b5e0..3b7d8d5 100755
+--- a/Lib/tarfile.py
++++ b/Lib/tarfile.py
+@@ -72,6 +72,13 @@ __all__ = ["TarFile", "TarInfo", "is_tarfile", "TarError", "ReadError",
+            "DEFAULT_FORMAT", "open"]
++# If true, use the safer (but backwards-incompatible) 'tar' extraction filter,
++# rather than 'fully_trusted', by default.
++# The emitted warning is changed to match.
++# System-wide configuration file
++_CONFIG_FILENAME = '/etc/python/tarfile.cfg'
+ #---------------------------------------------------------
+ # tar constants
+@@ -2211,6 +2218,41 @@ class TarFile(object):
+         if filter is None:
+             filter = self.extraction_filter
+             if filter is None:
++                name = os.environ.get('PYTHON_TARFILE_EXTRACTION_FILTER')
++                if name is None:
++                    try:
++                        file = bltn_open(_CONFIG_FILENAME)
++                    except FileNotFoundError:
++                        pass
++                    else:
++                        import configparser
++                        conf = configparser.ConfigParser(
++                            interpolation=None,
++                            comment_prefixes=('#', ),
++                        )
++                        with file:
++                            conf.read_file(file)
++                        name = conf.get('tarfile',
++                                        'PYTHON_TARFILE_EXTRACTION_FILTER',
++                                        fallback='')
++                if name:
++                    try:
++                        filter = _NAMED_FILTERS[name]
++                    except KeyError:
++                        raise ValueError(f"filter {filter!r} not found") from None
++                    self.extraction_filter = filter
++                    return filter
++                if _RH_SAFER_DEFAULT:
++                    warnings.warn(
++                        'The default behavior of tarfile extraction has been '
++                        + 'changed to disallow common exploits '
++                        + '(including CVE-2007-4559). '
++                        + 'By default, absolute/parent paths are disallowed '
++                        + 'and some mode bits are cleared. '
++                        + 'See https://access.redhat.com/articles/7004769 '
++                        + 'for more details.',
++                        RuntimeWarning)
++                    return tar_filter
+                 return fully_trusted_filter
+             if isinstance(filter, str):
+                 raise TypeError(
+diff --git a/Lib/test/test_shutil.py b/Lib/test/test_shutil.py
+index 9bf4145..f247b82 100644
+--- a/Lib/test/test_shutil.py
++++ b/Lib/test/test_shutil.py
+@@ -1665,7 +1665,8 @@ class TestArchives(BaseTest, unittest.TestCase):
+     def check_unpack_tarball(self, format):
+         self.check_unpack_archive(format, filter='fully_trusted')
+         self.check_unpack_archive(format, filter='data')
+-        with warnings_helper.check_no_warnings(self):
++        with warnings_helper.check_warnings(
++                ('.*CVE-2007-4559', RuntimeWarning)):
+             self.check_unpack_archive(format)
+     def test_unpack_archive_tar(self):
+diff --git a/Lib/test/test_tarfile.py b/Lib/test/test_tarfile.py
+index cdea033..4724285 100644
+--- a/Lib/test/test_tarfile.py
++++ b/Lib/test/test_tarfile.py
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import sys
+ import os
+ import io
+ from hashlib import sha256
+-from contextlib import contextmanager
++from contextlib import contextmanager, ExitStack
+ from random import Random
+ import pathlib
+ import shutil
+@@ -2999,7 +2999,11 @@ class NoneInfoExtractTests(ReadTest):
+         tar = tarfile.open(tarname, mode='r', encoding="iso8859-1")
+         cls.control_dir = pathlib.Path(TEMPDIR) / "extractall_ctrl"
+         tar.errorlevel = 0
+-        tar.extractall(cls.control_dir, filter=cls.extraction_filter)
++        with ExitStack() as cm:
++            if cls.extraction_filter is None:
++                cm.enter_context(warnings.catch_warnings())
++                warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)
++            tar.extractall(cls.control_dir, filter=cls.extraction_filter)
+         tar.close()
+         cls.control_paths = set(
+             p.relative_to(cls.control_dir)
+@@ -3674,7 +3678,8 @@ class TestExtractionFilters(unittest.TestCase):
+         """Ensure the default filter does not warn (like in 3.12)"""
+         with ArchiveMaker() as arc:
+             arc.add('foo')
+-        with warnings_helper.check_no_warnings(self):
++        with warnings_helper.check_warnings(
++                ('.*CVE-2007-4559', RuntimeWarning)):
+             with self.check_context(arc.open(), None):
+                 self.expect_file('foo')
+@@ -3844,6 +3849,123 @@ class TestExtractionFilters(unittest.TestCase):
+             self.expect_exception(TypeError)  # errorlevel is not int
++    @contextmanager
++    def rh_config_context(self, config_lines=None):
++        """Set up for testing various ways of overriding the default filter
++        return a triple with:
++        - temporary directory
++        - EnvironmentVarGuard()
++        - a test archive for use with check_* methods below
++        If config_lines is given, write them to the config file. Otherwise
++        the config file is missing.
++        """
++        tempdir = pathlib.Path(TEMPDIR) / 'tmp'
++        configfile = tempdir / 'tarfile.cfg'
++        with ArchiveMaker() as arc:
++            arc.add('good')
++            arc.add('ugly', symlink_to='/etc/passwd')
++            arc.add('../bad')
++        with (
++                os_helper.temp_dir(tempdir),
++                support.swap_attr(tarfile, '_CONFIG_FILENAME', str(configfile)),
++                os_helper.EnvironmentVarGuard() as env,
++                arc.open() as tar,
++        ):
++            if config_lines is not None:
++                with configfile.open('w') as f:
++                    for line in config_lines:
++                        print(line, file=f)
++            yield tempdir, env, tar
++    def check_rh_default_behavior(self, tar, tempdir):
++        """Check RH default: warn and refuse to extract dangerous files."""
++        with (
++                warnings_helper.check_warnings(
++                    ('.*CVE-2007-4559', RuntimeWarning)),
++                self.assertRaises(tarfile.OutsideDestinationError),
++        ):
++            tar.extractall(tempdir / 'outdir')
++    def check_trusted_default(self, tar, tempdir):
++        """Check 'fully_trusted' is configured as the default filter."""
++        with (
++                warnings_helper.check_no_warnings(self),
++        ):
++            tar.extractall(tempdir / 'outdir')
++            self.assertTrue((tempdir / 'outdir/good').exists())
++            self.assertEqual((tempdir / 'outdir/ugly').readlink(),
++                             pathlib.Path('/etc/passwd'))
++            self.assertTrue((tempdir / 'bad').exists())
++    def test_rh_default_no_conf(self):
++        with self.rh_config_context() as (tempdir, env, tar):
++            self.check_rh_default_behavior(tar, tempdir)
++    def test_rh_default_from_file(self):
++        lines = ['[tarfile]', 'PYTHON_TARFILE_EXTRACTION_FILTER=fully_trusted']
++        with self.rh_config_context(lines) as (tempdir, env, tar):
++            self.check_trusted_default(tar, tempdir)
++    def test_rh_empty_config_file(self):
++        """Empty config file -> default behavior"""
++        lines = []
++        with self.rh_config_context(lines) as (tempdir, env, tar):
++            self.check_rh_default_behavior(tar, tempdir)
++    def test_empty_config_section(self):
++        """Empty section in config file -> default behavior"""
++        lines = ['[tarfile]']
++        with self.rh_config_context(lines) as (tempdir, env, tar):
++            self.check_rh_default_behavior(tar, tempdir)
++    def test_rh_default_empty_config_option(self):
++        """Empty option value in config file -> default behavior"""
++        lines = ['[tarfile]', 'PYTHON_TARFILE_EXTRACTION_FILTER=']
++        with self.rh_config_context(lines) as (tempdir, env, tar):
++            self.check_rh_default_behavior(tar, tempdir)
++    def test_bad_config_option(self):
++        """Bad option value in config file -> ValueError"""
++        lines = ['[tarfile]', 'PYTHON_TARFILE_EXTRACTION_FILTER=unknown!']
++        with self.rh_config_context(lines) as (tempdir, env, tar):
++            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
++                tar.extractall(tempdir / 'outdir')
++    def test_default_from_envvar(self):
++        with self.rh_config_context() as (tempdir, env, tar):
++            env['PYTHON_TARFILE_EXTRACTION_FILTER'] = 'fully_trusted'
++            self.check_trusted_default(tar, tempdir)
++    def test_empty_envvar(self):
++        """Empty env variable -> default behavior"""
++        with self.rh_config_context() as (tempdir, env, tar):
++            env['PYTHON_TARFILE_EXTRACTION_FILTER'] = ''
++            self.check_rh_default_behavior(tar, tempdir)
++    def test_bad_envvar(self):
++        with self.rh_config_context() as (tempdir, env, tar):
++            env['PYTHON_TARFILE_EXTRACTION_FILTER'] = 'unknown!'
++            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
++                tar.extractall(tempdir / 'outdir')
++    def test_envvar_overrides_file(self):
++        lines = ['[tarfile]', 'PYTHON_TARFILE_EXTRACTION_FILTER=data']
++        with self.rh_config_context(lines) as (tempdir, env, tar):
++            env['PYTHON_TARFILE_EXTRACTION_FILTER'] = 'fully_trusted'
++            self.check_trusted_default(tar, tempdir)
++    def test_monkeypatch_overrides_envvar(self):
++        with self.rh_config_context(None) as (tempdir, env, tar):
++            env['PYTHON_TARFILE_EXTRACTION_FILTER'] = 'data'
++            with support.swap_attr(
++                    tarfile.TarFile, 'extraction_filter',
++                    staticmethod(tarfile.fully_trusted_filter)
++            ):
++                self.check_trusted_default(tar, tempdir)
+ def setUpModule():
+     os_helper.unlink(TEMPDIR)
+     os.makedirs(TEMPDIR)
diff --git a/SOURCES/Python-3.11.5.tar.xz.asc b/SOURCES/Python-3.11.5.tar.xz.asc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aa1a63d459fc83b2c465138612fcb2c26821d312
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/Python-3.11.5.tar.xz.asc
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
diff --git a/SPECS/python3.11.spec b/SPECS/python3.11.spec
index 7d5d5b573d693b52924438cfdc9528ecbbd4bd9f..4afa3bb921d1359e7dec979582ac389d3e7f923e 100644
--- a/SPECS/python3.11.spec
+++ b/SPECS/python3.11.spec
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ URL: https://www.python.org/
 #  WARNING  When rebasing to a new Python version,
 #           remember to update the python3-docs package as well
-%global general_version %{pybasever}.2
+%global general_version %{pybasever}.5
 #global prerel ...
 %global upstream_version %{general_version}%{?prerel}
 Version: %{general_version}%{?prerel:~%{prerel}}
-Release: 2%{?dist}.2
+Release: 1%{?dist}
 License: Python
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ License: Python
 # If the rpmwheels condition is disabled, we use the bundled wheel packages
 # from Python with the versions below.
 # This needs to be manually updated when we update Python.
-%global pip_version 22.3.1
+%global pip_version 23.2.1
 %global setuptools_version 65.5.0
 # Expensive optimizations (mainly, profile-guided optimizations)
@@ -332,27 +332,15 @@ Patch329: 00329-fips.patch
 # https://github.com/GrahamDumpleton/mod_wsgi/issues/730
 Patch371: 00371-revert-bpo-1596321-fix-threading-_shutdown-for-the-main-thread-gh-28549-gh-28589.patch
-# 00399 # 62614243969f1c717a02a1c65e55ef173ad9a6dd
-# CVE-2023-24329
-# * gh-102153: Start stripping C0 control and space chars in `urlsplit` (GH-102508)
-# `urllib.parse.urlsplit` has already been respecting the WHATWG spec a bit GH-25595.
-# This adds more sanitizing to respect the "Remove any leading C0 control or space from input" [rule](https://url.spec.whatwg.org/GH-url-parsing:~:text=Remove%%20any%%20leading%%20and%%20trailing%%20C0%%20control%%20or%%20space%%20from%%20input.) in response to [CVE-2023-24329](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2023-24329).
-# ---------
-Patch399: 00399-cve-2023-24329.patch
-# 00404 #
-# CVE-2023-40217
-# Security fix for CVE-2023-40217: Bypass TLS handshake on closed sockets
-# Resolved upstream: https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/108310
-# Fixups added on top from:
-# https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/108342
-Patch404: 00404-cve-2023-40217.patch
+# 00397 #
+# Filters for tarfile extraction (CVE-2007-4559, PEP-706)
+# First patch fixes determination of symlink targets, which were treated
+# as relative to the root of the archive,
+# rather than the directory containing the symlink.
+# Not yet upstream as of this writing.
+# The second patch is Red Hat configuration, see KB for documentation:
+# - https://access.redhat.com/articles/7004769
+Patch397: 00397-tarfile-filter.patch
 # (New patches go here ^^^)
@@ -1107,10 +1095,14 @@ CheckPython() {
   # test_freeze_simple_script is skipped, because it fails when bundled wheels
   #  are removed in Fedora.
   #  upstream report: https://bugs.python.org/issue45783
+  # test_check_probes is failing since it was introduced in 3.11.5,
+  # the test is skipped until it is fixed in upstream.
+  # see: https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/104280#issuecomment-1669249980
   LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ConfDir $ConfDir/python -m test.regrtest \
     -wW --slowest -j0 --timeout=1800 \
     -i test_freeze_simple_script \
+    -i test_check_probes \
     %if %{with bootstrap}
     -x test_distutils \
@@ -1621,11 +1613,21 @@ CheckPython optimized
 # ======================================================
-* Tue Sep 12 2023 Charalampos Stratakis <cstratak@redhat.com> - 3.11.2-2.2
-- Security fix for CVE-2023-40217
-Resolves: RHEL-2935
+* Thu Sep 07 2023 Charalampos Stratakis <cstratak@redhat.com> - 3.11.5-1
+- Rebase to 3.11.5
+- Security fixes for CVE-2023-40217 and CVE-2023-41105
+Resolves: RHEL-3045, RHEL-3269
+* Wed Aug 09 2023 Petr Viktorin <pviktori@redhat.com> - 3.11.4-3
+- Fix symlink handling in the fix for CVE-2023-24329
+Resolves: rhbz#263261
+* Fri Jun 30 2023 Charalampos Stratakis <cstratak@redhat.com> - 3.11.4-2
+- Security fix for CVE-2007-4559
+Resolves: rhbz#263261
-* Wed May 24 2023 Charalampos Stratakis <cstratak@redhat.com> - 3.11.2-2.1
+* Mon Jun 26 2023 Charalampos Stratakis <cstratak@redhat.com> - 3.11.4-1
+- Update to 3.11.4
 - Security fix for CVE-2023-24329
 Resolves: rhbz#2173917