From 05875f3aed1c90fe071c66de05744ca2bcbc2b9e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Peter Jones <>
Date: Thu, 13 May 2021 20:42:18 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 06/10] Post-process our PE to be sure.

On some versions of binutils[0], including binutils-,
do not correctly initialize the data when computing the PE optional
header checksum.  Unfortunately, this means that any time you get a
build that reproduces correctly using the version of objcopy from those
versions, it's just a matter of luck.

This patch introduces a new utility program, post-process-pe, which does
some basic validation of the resulting binaries, and if necessary,
performs some minor repairs:

- sets the timestamp to 0
  - this was previously done with dd using constant offsets that aren't
    really safe.
- re-computes the checksum.

[0] I suspect, but have not yet fully verified, that this is
    accidentally fixed by the following upstream binutils commit:

    commit cf7a3c01d82abdf110ef85ab770e5997d8ac28ac
    Author: Alan Modra <>
    Date:   Tue Dec 15 22:09:30 2020 +1030

      Lose some COFF/PE static vars, and peicode.h constify

      This patch tidies some COFF and PE code that unnecessarily used static
      variables to communicate between functions.

v2 - MAP_PRIVATE was totally wrong...

Signed-off-by: Peter Jones <>
 .gitignore        |   1 +
 Make.defaults     |   4 -
 Makefile          |  13 +-
 post-process-pe.c | 501 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 510 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 post-process-pe.c

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 832c0cd..d37fcd6 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Make.local
diff --git a/Make.defaults b/Make.defaults
index a775083..1b929a7 100644
--- a/Make.defaults
+++ b/Make.defaults
@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
 	ARCH_SUFFIX		?= x64
 ifeq ($(ARCH),ia32)
 	ARCH_CFLAGS		?= -mno-mmx -mno-sse -mno-red-zone -nostdinc \
@@ -75,7 +74,6 @@ ifeq ($(ARCH),ia32)
 	ARCH_CFLAGS		?= -m32
 ifeq ($(ARCH),aarch64)
 	ARCH_CFLAGS		?= -DMDE_CPU_AARCH64 -DPAGE_SIZE=4096 -mstrict-align
@@ -86,7 +84,6 @@ ifeq ($(ARCH),aarch64)
 	SUBSYSTEM		:= 0xa
 ifeq ($(ARCH),arm)
 	ARCH_CFLAGS		?= -DMDE_CPU_ARM -DPAGE_SIZE=4096 -mno-unaligned-access
@@ -96,7 +93,6 @@ ifeq ($(ARCH),arm)
 	FORMAT			:= -O binary
 	SUBSYSTEM		:= 0xa
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 8c66459..d80aea8 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -121,9 +121,10 @@ sbat_data.o : /dev/null
 	$(foreach vs,$(VENDOR_SBATS),$(call add-vendor-sbat,$(vs),$@))
+$(SHIMNAME) : $(SHIMSONAME) post-process-pe
+$(MMNAME) : $(MMSONAME) post-process-pe
+$(FBNAME) : $(FBSONAME) post-process-pe
+$(SHIMNAME) $(MMNAME) $(FBNAME) : | post-process-pe
 LIBS = Cryptlib/libcryptlib.a \
        Cryptlib/OpenSSL/libopenssl.a \
@@ -164,6 +165,9 @@ lib/lib.a: | $(TOPDIR)/lib/Makefile $(wildcard $(TOPDIR)/include/*.[ch])
 	mkdir -p lib
 	$(MAKE) VPATH=$(TOPDIR)/lib TOPDIR=$(TOPDIR) -C lib -f $(TOPDIR)/lib/Makefile
+post-process-pe : $(TOPDIR)/post-process-pe.c
+	$(HOSTCC) -std=gnu11 -Og -g3 -Wall -Wextra -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Werror -o $@ $<
 buildid : $(TOPDIR)/buildid.c
 	$(HOSTCC) -I/usr/include -Og -g3 -Wall -Werror -Wextra -o $@ $< -lelf
@@ -246,8 +250,7 @@ endif
 		-j .rela* -j .reloc -j .eh_frame \
 		-j .vendor_cert -j .sbat \
 		$(FORMAT) $< $@
-	# I am tired of wasting my time fighting binutils timestamp code.
-	dd conv=notrunc bs=1 count=4 seek=$(TIMESTAMP_LOCATION) if=/dev/zero of=$@
+	./post-process-pe -vv $@
 ifneq ($(origin ENABLE_SHIM_HASH),undefined)
 %.hash : %.efi
diff --git a/post-process-pe.c b/post-process-pe.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8414a5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/post-process-pe.c
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+ * post-process-pe.c - fix up timestamps and checksums in broken PE files
+ * Copyright Peter Jones <>
+ */
+#define _GNU_SOURCE 1
+#include <err.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#ifndef PAGE_SIZE
+#define PAGE_SIZE 4096
+static int verbosity;
+#define ERROR         0
+#define WARNING       1
+#define INFO          2
+#define NOISE         3
+#define debug(level, ...)                                        \
+	({                                                       \
+		if (verbosity >= (level)) {                      \
+			printf("%s():%d: ", __func__, __LINE__); \
+			printf(__VA_ARGS__);                     \
+		}                                                \
+		0;                                               \
+	})
+typedef uint8_t UINT8;
+typedef uint16_t UINT16;
+typedef uint32_t UINT32;
+typedef uint64_t UINT64;
+typedef uint16_t CHAR16;
+typedef unsigned long UINTN;
+typedef struct {
+	UINT32 Data1;
+	UINT16 Data2;
+	UINT16 Data3;
+	UINT8 Data4[8];
+#include "include/peimage.h"
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__GNUC_MINOR__)
+#define GNUC_PREREQ(maj, min) \
+	((__GNUC__ << 16) + __GNUC_MINOR__ >= ((maj) << 16) + (min))
+#define GNUC_PREREQ(maj, min) 0
+#if defined(__clang__) && defined(__clang_major__) && defined(__clang_minor__)
+#define CLANG_PREREQ(maj, min)        \
+	((__clang_major__ > (maj)) || \
+	 (__clang_major__ == (maj) && __clang_minor__ >= (min)))
+#define CLANG_PREREQ(maj, min) 0
+#if GNUC_PREREQ(5, 1) || CLANG_PREREQ(3, 8)
+#define add(a0, a1, s) __builtin_add_overflow(a0, a1, s)
+#define sub(s0, s1, d) __builtin_sub_overflow(s0, s1, d)
+#define mul(f0, f1, p) __builtin_mul_overflow(f0, f1, p)
+#define add(a0, a1, s)                \
+	({                            \
+		(*s) = ((a0) + (a1)); \
+		0;                    \
+	})
+#define sub(s0, s1, d)                \
+	({                            \
+		(*d) = ((s0) - (s1)); \
+		0;                    \
+	})
+#define mul(f0, f1, p)                \
+	({                            \
+		(*p) = ((f0) * (f1)); \
+		0;                    \
+	})
+#define div(d0, d1, q)                           \
+	({                                       \
+		unsigned int ret_ = ((d1) == 0); \
+		if (ret_ == 0)                   \
+			(*q) = ((d0) / (d1));    \
+		ret_;                            \
+	})
+static int
+	/* .Magic is the same offset in all cases */
+	if (PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.Magic ==
+		return 1;
+	return 0;
+static void
+load_pe(const char *const file, void *const data, const size_t datasize,
+	size_t HeaderWithoutDataDir, SectionHeaderOffset, OptHeaderSize;
+	size_t FileAlignment = 0;
+	size_t sz0 = 0, sz1 = 0;
+	uintptr_t loc = 0;
+	debug(NOISE, "datasize:%zu sizeof(PEHdr->Pe32):%zu\n", datasize,
+	      sizeof(PEHdr->Pe32));
+	if (datasize < sizeof(PEHdr->Pe32))
+		errx(1, "%s: Invalid image size %zu (%zu < %zu)", file,
+		     datasize, datasize, sizeof(PEHdr->Pe32));
+	debug(NOISE,
+	      "DOSHdr->e_magic:0x%02hx EFI_IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE:0x%02hx\n",
+	      DOSHdr->e_magic, EFI_IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE);
+	if (DOSHdr->e_magic != EFI_IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE)
+		errx(1,
+		     "%s: Invalid DOS header signature 0x%04hx (expected 0x%04hx)",
+		     file, DOSHdr->e_magic, EFI_IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE);
+	debug(NOISE, "DOSHdr->e_lfanew:%u datasize:%zu\n", DOSHdr->e_lfanew,
+	      datasize);
+	if (DOSHdr->e_lfanew >= datasize ||
+	    add((uintptr_t)data, DOSHdr->e_lfanew, &loc))
+		errx(1, "%s: invalid pe header location", file);
+	debug(NOISE, "PE signature:0x%04x EFI_IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE:0x%04x\n",
+	      PEHdr->Pe32.Signature, EFI_IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE);
+	if (PEHdr->Pe32.Signature != EFI_IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE)
+		errx(1, "%s: Unsupported image type", file);
+	if (image_is_64_bit(PEHdr)) {
+		debug(NOISE, "image is 64bit\n");
+		ctx->NumberOfRvaAndSizes =
+			PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
+		ctx->SizeOfHeaders =
+			PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders;
+		ctx->ImageSize = PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage;
+		ctx->SectionAlignment =
+			PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment;
+		FileAlignment = PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.FileAlignment;
+		OptHeaderSize = sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64);
+	} else {
+		debug(NOISE, "image is 32bit\n");
+		ctx->NumberOfRvaAndSizes =
+			PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
+		ctx->SizeOfHeaders = PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders;
+		ctx->ImageSize = (UINT64)PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage;
+		ctx->SectionAlignment =
+			PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment;
+		FileAlignment = PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.FileAlignment;
+		OptHeaderSize = sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32);
+	}
+	if (FileAlignment % 2 != 0)
+		errx(1, "%s: Invalid file alignment %ld", file, FileAlignment);
+	if (FileAlignment == 0)
+		FileAlignment = 0x200;
+	if (ctx->SectionAlignment == 0)
+		ctx->SectionAlignment = PAGE_SIZE;
+	if (ctx->SectionAlignment < FileAlignment)
+		ctx->SectionAlignment = FileAlignment;
+	ctx->NumberOfSections = PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.NumberOfSections;
+	debug(NOISE,
+	      "Number of RVAs:%"PRIu64" EFI_IMAGE_NUMBER_OF_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES:%d\n",
+		errx(1, "%s: invalid number of RVAs (%lu entries, max is %d)",
+		     file, ctx->NumberOfRvaAndSizes,
+	if (mul(sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY),
+	    sub(OptHeaderSize, sz0, &HeaderWithoutDataDir) ||
+	    sub(PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader,
+	        HeaderWithoutDataDir, &sz0) ||
+	    mul(ctx->NumberOfRvaAndSizes, sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY),
+	        &sz1) ||
+	    (sz0 != sz1)) {
+		if (mul(sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY),
+			debug(ERROR,
+		else
+			debug(ERROR,
+			      sz0);
+		if (sub(OptHeaderSize, sz0, &HeaderWithoutDataDir))
+			debug(ERROR,
+			      "OptHeaderSize (%zu) - HeaderWithoutDataDir (%zu) overflows\n",
+			      OptHeaderSize, HeaderWithoutDataDir);
+		else
+			debug(ERROR,
+			      "OptHeaderSize (%zu) - HeaderWithoutDataDir (%zu) = %zu\n",
+			      OptHeaderSize, sz0, HeaderWithoutDataDir);
+		if (sub(PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader,
+		        HeaderWithoutDataDir, &sz0)) {
+			debug(ERROR,
+			      "PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader (%d) - %zu overflows\n",
+			      PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader,
+			      HeaderWithoutDataDir);
+		} else {
+			debug(ERROR,
+			      "PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader (%d)- %zu = %zu\n",
+			      PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader,
+			      HeaderWithoutDataDir, sz0);
+		}
+		if (mul(ctx->NumberOfRvaAndSizes,
+		        sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY), &sz1))
+			debug(ERROR,
+			      "ctx->NumberOfRvaAndSizes (%zu) * sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY) overflows\n",
+			      ctx->NumberOfRvaAndSizes);
+		else
+			debug(ERROR,
+			      "ctx->NumberOfRvaAndSizes (%zu) * sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY) = %zu\n",
+			      ctx->NumberOfRvaAndSizes, sz1);
+		debug(ERROR,
+		      "space after image header:%zu data directory size:%zu\n",
+		      sz0, sz1);
+		errx(1, "%s: image header overflows data directory", file);
+	}
+	if (add(DOSHdr->e_lfanew, sizeof(UINT32), &SectionHeaderOffset) ||
+	    add(SectionHeaderOffset, sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_FILE_HEADER),
+	        &SectionHeaderOffset) ||
+	    add(SectionHeaderOffset,
+	        PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader,
+	        &SectionHeaderOffset)) {
+		debug(ERROR, "SectionHeaderOffset:%" PRIu32 " + %zu + %zu + %d",
+		      DOSHdr->e_lfanew, sizeof(UINT32),
+		      sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_FILE_HEADER),
+		      PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader);
+		errx(1, "%s: SectionHeaderOffset would overflow", file);
+	}
+	if (sub(ctx->ImageSize, SectionHeaderOffset, &sz0) ||
+	    div(sz0, EFI_IMAGE_SIZEOF_SECTION_HEADER, &sz0) ||
+	    (sz0 <= ctx->NumberOfSections)) {
+		debug(ERROR, "(%" PRIu64 " - %zu) / %d > %d\n", ctx->ImageSize,
+		      SectionHeaderOffset, EFI_IMAGE_SIZEOF_SECTION_HEADER,
+		      ctx->NumberOfSections);
+		errx(1, "%s: image sections overflow image size", file);
+	}
+	if (sub(ctx->SizeOfHeaders, SectionHeaderOffset, &sz0) ||
+	    div(sz0, EFI_IMAGE_SIZEOF_SECTION_HEADER, &sz0) ||
+	    (sz0 < ctx->NumberOfSections)) {
+		debug(ERROR, "(%zu - %zu) / %d >= %d\n", ctx->SizeOfHeaders,
+		      SectionHeaderOffset, EFI_IMAGE_SIZEOF_SECTION_HEADER,
+		      ctx->NumberOfSections);
+		errx(1, "%s: image sections overflow section headers", file);
+	}
+	if (sub((uintptr_t)PEHdr, (uintptr_t)data, &sz0) ||
+	    add(sz0, sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_UNION), &sz0) ||
+	    (sz0 > datasize)) {
+		errx(1, "%s: PE Image size %zu > %zu", file, sz0, datasize);
+	}
+	if (PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.Characteristics & EFI_IMAGE_FILE_RELOCS_STRIPPED)
+		errx(1, "%s: Unsupported image - Relocations have been stripped", file);
+	if (image_is_64_bit(PEHdr)) {
+		ctx->ImageAddress = PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.ImageBase;
+		ctx->EntryPoint =
+			PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint;
+		ctx->RelocDir = &PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory
+		                         [EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC];
+		ctx->SecDir = &PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory
+		                       [EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY];
+	} else {
+		ctx->ImageAddress = PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.ImageBase;
+		ctx->EntryPoint =
+			PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint;
+		ctx->RelocDir = &PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory
+		                         [EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC];
+		ctx->SecDir = &PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory
+		                       [EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY];
+	}
+	if (add((uintptr_t)PEHdr, PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader,
+	        &loc) ||
+	    add(loc, sizeof(UINT32), &loc) ||
+	    add(loc, sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_FILE_HEADER), &loc))
+		errx(1, "%s: invalid location for first section", file);
+	ctx->FirstSection = (EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *)loc;
+	if (ctx->ImageSize < ctx->SizeOfHeaders)
+		errx(1,
+		     "%s: Image size %"PRIu64" is smaller than header size %lu",
+		     file, ctx->ImageSize, ctx->SizeOfHeaders);
+	if (sub((uintptr_t)ctx->SecDir, (uintptr_t)data, &sz0) ||
+	    sub(datasize, sizeof(EFI_IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY), &sz1) ||
+	    sz0 > sz1)
+		errx(1,
+		     "%s: security direcory offset %zu past data directory at %zu",
+		     file, sz0, sz1);
+	if (ctx->SecDir->VirtualAddress > datasize ||
+	    (ctx->SecDir->VirtualAddress == datasize &&
+	     ctx->SecDir->Size > 0))
+		errx(1, "%s: Security directory extends past end", file);
+static void
+fix_timestamp(PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT *ctx)
+	uint32_t ts;
+	if (image_is_64_bit(ctx->PEHdr)) {
+		ts = ctx->PEHdr->Pe32Plus.FileHeader.TimeDateStamp;
+	} else {
+		ts = ctx->PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.TimeDateStamp;
+	}
+	if (ts != 0) {
+		debug(INFO, "Updating timestamp from 0x%08x to 0\n", ts);
+		if (image_is_64_bit(ctx->PEHdr)) {
+			ctx->PEHdr->Pe32Plus.FileHeader.TimeDateStamp = 0;
+		} else {
+			ctx->PEHdr->Pe32.FileHeader.TimeDateStamp = 0;
+		}
+	}
+static void
+fix_checksum(PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT *ctx, void *map, size_t mapsize)
+	uint32_t old;
+	uint32_t checksum = 0;
+	uint16_t word;
+	uint8_t *data = map;
+	if (image_is_64_bit(ctx->PEHdr)) {
+		old = ctx->PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.CheckSum;
+		ctx->PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.CheckSum = 0;
+	} else {
+		old = ctx->PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.CheckSum;
+		ctx->PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.CheckSum = 0;
+	}
+	debug(NOISE, "old checksum was 0x%08x\n", old);
+	for (size_t i = 0; i < mapsize - 1; i += 2) {
+		word = (data[i + 1] << 8ul) | data[i];
+		checksum += word;
+		checksum = 0xffff & (checksum + (checksum >> 0x10));
+	}
+	debug(NOISE, "checksum = 0x%08x + 0x%08zx = 0x%08zx\n", checksum,
+	      mapsize, checksum + mapsize);
+	checksum += mapsize;
+	if (checksum != old)
+		debug(INFO, "Updating checksum from 0x%08x to 0x%08x\n",
+		      old, checksum);
+	if (image_is_64_bit(ctx->PEHdr)) {
+		ctx->PEHdr->Pe32Plus.OptionalHeader.CheckSum = checksum;
+	} else {
+		ctx->PEHdr->Pe32.OptionalHeader.CheckSum = checksum;
+	}
+static void
+handle_one(char *f)
+	int fd;
+	int rc;
+	struct stat statbuf;
+	size_t sz;
+	void *map;
+	int failed = 0;
+	fd = open(f, O_RDWR | O_EXCL);
+	if (fd < 0)
+		err(1, "Could not open \"%s\"", f);
+	rc = fstat(fd, &statbuf);
+	if (rc < 0)
+		err(1, "Could not stat \"%s\"", f);
+	sz = statbuf.st_size;
+	map = mmap(NULL, sz, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
+	if (map == MAP_FAILED)
+		err(1, "Could not map \"%s\"", f);
+	load_pe(f, map, sz, &ctx);
+	fix_timestamp(&ctx);
+	fix_checksum(&ctx, map, sz);
+	rc = msync(map, sz, MS_SYNC);
+	if (rc < 0) {
+		warn("msync(%p, %zu, MS_SYNC) failed", map, sz);
+		failed = 1;
+	}
+	munmap(map, sz);
+	if (rc < 0) {
+		warn("munmap(%p, %zu) failed", map, sz);
+		failed = 1;
+	}
+	rc = close(fd);
+	if (rc < 0) {
+		warn("close(%d) failed", fd);
+		failed = 1;
+	}
+	if (failed)
+		exit(1);
+static void __attribute__((__noreturn__)) usage(int status)
+	FILE *out = status ? stderr : stdout;
+	fprintf(out,
+	        "Usage: post-process-pe [OPTIONS] file0 [file1 [.. fileN]]\n");
+	fprintf(out, "Options:\n");
+	fprintf(out, "       -q    Be more quiet\n");
+	fprintf(out, "       -v    Be more verbose\n");
+	fprintf(out, "       -h    Print this help text and exit\n");
+	exit(status);
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	int i;
+	struct option options[] = {
+		{.name = "help",
+		 .val = '?',
+		 },
+		{.name = "usage",
+		 .val = '?',
+		 },
+		{.name = "quiet",
+		 .val = 'q',
+		},
+		{.name = "verbose",
+		 .val = 'v',
+		},
+		{.name = ""}
+	};
+	int longindex = -1;
+	while ((i = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hqsv", options, &longindex)) != -1) {
+		switch (i) {
+		case 'h':
+		case '?':
+			usage(longindex == -1 ? 1 : 0);
+			break;
+		case 'q':
+			verbosity = MAX(verbosity - 1, MIN_VERBOSITY);
+			break;
+		case 'v':
+			verbosity = MIN(verbosity + 1, MAX_VERBOSITY);
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if (optind == argc)
+		usage(1);
+	for (i = optind; i < argc; i++)
+		handle_one(argv[i]);
+	return 0;
+// vim:fenc=utf-8:tw=75:noet