From ebecd48cd7659689eda8266a3ff91c60ef1ccdba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: CentOS Sources <>
Date: Tue, 16 May 2023 09:16:16 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] import golang-1.19.6-1.module+el8.8.0+18289+edd6c8b6

 .gitignore                                |   4 +-
 .golang.metadata                          |   4 +-
 SOURCES/fix-test-1024-leaf-certs.patch    |  13 ---
 SOURCES/ppc64le-internal-linker-fix.patch | 122 ----------------------
 SPECS/golang.spec                         |  20 ++--
 5 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 145 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 SOURCES/fix-test-1024-leaf-certs.patch
 delete mode 100644 SOURCES/ppc64le-internal-linker-fix.patch

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index a4a244e..573f4d2 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/.golang.metadata b/.golang.metadata
index 2d6b49a..b4c51aa 100644
--- a/.golang.metadata
+++ b/.golang.metadata
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-9463e718b1a8daa61009caa6c113197cbefbe9eb SOURCES/go1.19.4-1-openssl-fips.tar.gz
-6debf76aa6fb97daff4d49502153a47093883c28 SOURCES/go1.19.4.tar.gz
+e990e956bbd3c1e52914ea39f075a1c666bde4e4 SOURCES/go1.19.6-1-openssl-fips.tar.gz
+d85391faa6c2d74090008b9744e4664267700fd3 SOURCES/go1.19.6.tar.gz
diff --git a/SOURCES/fix-test-1024-leaf-certs.patch b/SOURCES/fix-test-1024-leaf-certs.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ee6b25a..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/fix-test-1024-leaf-certs.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/src/crypto/tls/boring_test.go b/src/crypto/tls/boring_test.go
-index 10d1cf0..51feb3b 100644
---- a/src/crypto/tls/boring_test.go
-+++ b/src/crypto/tls/boring_test.go
-@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ func TestBoringCertAlgs(t *testing.T) {
- 	I_M2 := boringCert(t, "I_M2", I_R1.key, M2_R1, boringCertCA|boringCertFIPSOK)
- 	L1_I := boringCert(t, "L1_I", boringECDSAKey(t, elliptic.P384()), I_R1, boringCertLeaf|boringCertFIPSOK)
--	L2_I := boringCert(t, "L2_I", boringRSAKey(t, 1024), I_R1, boringCertLeaf|boringCertNotBoring)
-+	L2_I := boringCert(t, "L2_I", boringRSAKey(t, 1024), I_R1, boringCertLeaf)
- 	// client verifying server cert
- 	testServerCert := func(t *testing.T, desc string, pool *x509.CertPool, key interface{}, list [][]byte, ok bool) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/ppc64le-internal-linker-fix.patch b/SOURCES/ppc64le-internal-linker-fix.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f54a83b..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/ppc64le-internal-linker-fix.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/src/cmd/go/testdata/script/trampoline_reuse_test.txt b/src/cmd/go/testdata/script/trampoline_reuse_test.txt
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000000000..bca897c16d054
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/cmd/go/testdata/script/trampoline_reuse_test.txt
-@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
-+# Verify PPC64 does not reuse a trampoline which is too far away.
-+# This tests an edge case where the direct call relocation addend should
-+# be ignored when computing the distance from the direct call to the
-+# already placed trampoline
-+[short] skip
-+[!ppc64] [!ppc64le] skip
-+[aix] skip
-+# Note, this program does not run. Presumably, 'DWORD $0' is simpler to
-+# assembly 2^26 or so times.
-+# We build something which should be laid out as such:
-+# bar.Bar
-+# main.Func1
-+# bar.Bar+400-tramp0
-+# main.BigAsm
-+# main.Func2
-+# bar.Bar+400-tramp1
-+# bar.Bar needs to be placed far enough away to generate relocations
-+# from main package calls. and main.Func1 and main.Func2 are placed
-+# a bit more than the direct call limit apart, but not more than 0x400
-+# bytes beyond it (to verify the reloc calc).
-+go build
-+-- go.mod --
-+module foo
-+go 1.19
-+-- main.go --
-+package main
-+import "foo/bar"
-+func Func1()
-+func main() {
-+        Func1()
-+        bar.Bar2()
-+-- foo.s --
-+TEXT main·Func1(SB),0,$0-0
-+        CALL bar·Bar+0x400(SB)
-+        CALL main·BigAsm(SB)
-+// A trampoline will be placed here to bar.Bar
-+// This creates a gap sufficiently large to prevent trampoline reuse
-+#define NOP64 DWORD $0; DWORD $0; DWORD $0; DWORD $0; DWORD $0; DWORD $0; DWORD $0; DWORD $0;
-+#define NOP256 NOP64 NOP64 NOP64 NOP64
-+#define NOP2S10 NOP256 NOP256 NOP256 NOP256
-+#define NOP2S12 NOP2S10 NOP2S10 NOP2S10 NOP2S10
-+#define NOP2S14 NOP2S12 NOP2S12 NOP2S12 NOP2S12
-+#define NOP2S16 NOP2S14 NOP2S14 NOP2S14 NOP2S14
-+#define NOP2S18 NOP2S16 NOP2S16 NOP2S16 NOP2S16
-+#define NOP2S20 NOP2S18 NOP2S18 NOP2S18 NOP2S18
-+#define NOP2S22 NOP2S20 NOP2S20 NOP2S20 NOP2S20
-+#define NOP2S24 NOP2S22 NOP2S22 NOP2S22 NOP2S22
-+#define BIGNOP NOP2S24 NOP2S24
-+TEXT main·BigAsm(SB),0,$0-0
-+        // Fill to the direct call limit so Func2 must generate a new trampoline.
-+        // As the implicit trampoline above is just barely unreachable.
-+        BIGNOP
-+        MOVD $main·Func2(SB), R3
-+TEXT main·Func2(SB),0,$0-0
-+        CALL bar·Bar+0x400(SB)
-+// Another trampoline should be placed here.
-+-- bar/bar.s --
-+#define NOP64 DWORD $0; DWORD $0; DWORD $0; DWORD $0; DWORD $0; DWORD $0; DWORD $0; DWORD $0;
-+#define NOP256 NOP64 NOP64 NOP64 NOP64
-+#define NOP2S10 NOP256 NOP256 NOP256 NOP256
-+#define NOP2S12 NOP2S10 NOP2S10 NOP2S10 NOP2S10
-+#define NOP2S14 NOP2S12 NOP2S12 NOP2S12 NOP2S12
-+#define NOP2S16 NOP2S14 NOP2S14 NOP2S14 NOP2S14
-+#define NOP2S18 NOP2S16 NOP2S16 NOP2S16 NOP2S16
-+#define NOP2S20 NOP2S18 NOP2S18 NOP2S18 NOP2S18
-+#define NOP2S22 NOP2S20 NOP2S20 NOP2S20 NOP2S20
-+#define NOP2S24 NOP2S22 NOP2S22 NOP2S22 NOP2S22
-+#define BIGNOP NOP2S24 NOP2S24 NOP2S10
-+// A very big not very interesting function.
-+TEXT bar·Bar(SB),0,$0-0
-+        BIGNOP
-+-- bar/bar.go --
-+package bar
-+func Bar()
-+func Bar2() {
-diff --git a/src/cmd/link/internal/ppc64/asm.go b/src/cmd/link/internal/ppc64/asm.go
-index 5d5fbe2a97735..6313879da083c 100644
---- a/src/cmd/link/internal/ppc64/asm.go
-+++ b/src/cmd/link/internal/ppc64/asm.go
-@@ -900,8 +900,9 @@ func trampoline(ctxt *ld.Link, ldr *loader.Loader, ri int, rs, s loader.Sym) {
- 				if ldr.SymValue(tramp) == 0 {
- 					break
- 				}
--				t = ldr.SymValue(tramp) + r.Add() - (ldr.SymValue(s) + int64(r.Off()))
-+				// Note, the trampoline is always called directly. The addend of the original relocation is accounted for in the
-+				// trampoline itself.
-+				t = ldr.SymValue(tramp) - (ldr.SymValue(s) + int64(r.Off()))
- 				// With internal linking, the trampoline can be used if it is not too far.
- 				// With external linking, the trampoline must be in this section for it to be reused.
diff --git a/SPECS/golang.spec b/SPECS/golang.spec
index eb60a6d..373e8d9 100644
--- a/SPECS/golang.spec
+++ b/SPECS/golang.spec
@@ -96,12 +96,13 @@
 %global go_api 1.19
-%global version 1.19.4
+%global version 1.19.6
 %global pkg_release 1
 Name:           golang
 Version:        %{version}
-Release:        2%{?dist}
+Release:        1%{?dist}
 Summary:        The Go Programming Language
 # source tree includes several copies of Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt under Public Domain
 License:        BSD and Public Domain
@@ -148,8 +149,6 @@ Patch1939923:   skip_test_rhbz1939923.patch
 Patch2: 	disable_static_tests_part1.patch
 Patch3: 	disable_static_tests_part2.patch
-Patch4:		ppc64le-internal-linker-fix.patch
-Patch5:		fix-test-1024-leaf-certs.patch
 Patch6:		fix-memory-leak-evp-sign-verify.patch
 Patch227: cmd-link-use-correct-path-for-dynamic-loader-on-ppc6.patch
@@ -249,10 +248,15 @@ popd
 patch -p1 < ../go-go%{version}-%{pkg_release}-openssl-fips/patches/000-initial-setup.patch
 patch -p1 < ../go-go%{version}-%{pkg_release}-openssl-fips/patches/001-initial-openssl-for-fips.patch
+# Configure crypto tests
+pushd ../go-go%{version}-%{pkg_release}-openssl-fips
+ln -s ../go-go%{version} go
 %patch2 -p1
 %patch3 -p1
-%patch4 -p1
-%patch5 -p1
 %patch6 -p1
 %patch221 -p1
@@ -532,6 +536,10 @@ cd ..
+* Wed Mar 01 2023 David Benoit <> - 1.19.6-1
+- Rebase to Go 1.19.6
+- Resolves: rhbz#2174430
 * Tue Jan 3 2023 David Benoit <> - 1.19.4-2
 - Fix memory leaks in EVP_{sign,verify}_raw
 - Resolves: rhbz#2132767