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openvswitch-2.15.0.patch 934 KiB
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Louis Abel's avatar
Louis Abel committed
 AT_CHECK([cat ovs-vswitchd.log | filter_flow_install | strip_xout_keep_actions], [0], [dnl
@@ -370,6 +397,8 @@ recirc_id(0),in_port(7),packet_type(ns=0,id=0),eth_type(0x0800),ipv4(frag=no), a
 recirc_id(0),in_port(8),packet_type(ns=0,id=0),eth_type(0x0800),ipv4(frag=no), actions:2
+AT_CHECK([ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 del-meters br0])
@@ -589,3 +618,20 @@ arp,in_port=ANY,dl_vlan=11,dl_vlan_pcp=7,vlan_tci1=0x0000,dl_src=00:06:07:08:09:
+AT_SETUP([dpif-netdev - check dpctl/add-flow in_port exact match])
+  [add-port br0 p1 \
+   -- set interface p1 type=dummy options:pstream=punix:$OVS_RUNDIR/p0.sock \
+   -- set bridge br0 datapath-type=dummy \
+                     other-config:datapath-id=1234 fail-mode=secure])
+AT_CHECK([ovs-appctl dpctl/add-flow "eth(),eth_type(0x0800),ipv4()" "3"], [2],
+[], [dnl
+ovs-vswitchd: updating flow table (Invalid argument)
+ovs-appctl: ovs-vswitchd: server returned an error
+OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([grep "flow: in_port is not an exact match" ovs-vswitchd.log])
+OVS_VSWITCHD_STOP(["/flow: in_port is not an exact match/d
+/failed to put/d"])
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index e3173fb88f..2347c690ef 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -21,3 +21,4 @@ TEST_FUZZ_REGRESSION([ofp_print_fuzzer-5722747668791296])
diff --git a/tests/fuzz-regression/ofp_print_fuzzer-6540965472632832 b/tests/fuzz-regression/ofp_print_fuzzer-6540965472632832
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 199db8ed0f..59093c03c9 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1007,12 +1007,21 @@ bad_action 'dec_ttl(,)' 'dec_ttl_cnt_ids: expected at least one controller id.'
 # set_mpls_label
 bad_action 'set_mpls_label' 'set_mpls_label: expected label.'
+# set_mpls_label oversized
+bad_action 'set_mpls_label(0x100000)' '0x100000: not a valid MPLS label'
 # set_mpls_tc
 bad_action 'set_mpls_tc' 'set_mpls_tc: expected tc.'
+# set_mpls_tc oversized
+bad_action 'set_mpls_tc(8)' '8: not a valid MPLS TC'
 # set_mpls_ttl
 bad_action 'set_mpls_ttl' 'set_mpls_ttl: expected ttl.'
+# set_mpls_ttl oversized
+bad_action 'set_mpls_ttl(256)' 'invalid MPLS TTL "256"'
 # fin_timeout
 bad_action 'fin_timeout(foo=bar)' "invalid key 'foo' in 'fin_timeout' argument"
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
Louis Abel's avatar
Louis Abel committed
index 31064ed95e..f99a60444f 100644
Louis Abel's avatar
Louis Abel committed
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -342,6 +342,22 @@ AT_CHECK([test `egrep 'in_port\(6\)' br1_flows.txt |wc -l` -gt 3])
+# SEND_TCP_BOND_PKTS([p_name], [p_ofport], [packet_len])
+# Sends 256 packets to port 'p_name' with different TCP destination ports.
+   [
+    len_cmd=""
+    if test -n "$3"; then
+        len_cmd=" --len $3"
+    fi
+    for i in `seq 0 255`; do
+        pkt="in_port($2),eth(src=50:54:00:00:00:05,dst=50:54:00:00:01:00),eth_type(0x0800),ipv4(src=,dst=,proto=6,tos=0,ttl=64,frag=no),tcp(src=8,dst=$i),tcp_flags(ack)"
+        ovs-appctl netdev-dummy/receive $1 $pkt$len_cmd
+    done
+   ]
 AT_SETUP([ofproto-dpif - balance-tcp bonding])
 # Create br0 with members bond0(p1, p2, p3) and p7,
 #    and br1 with members bond1(p4, p5, p6) and p8.
@@ -377,13 +393,7 @@ ovs-appctl lacp/show > lacp.txt
 ovs-appctl bond/show > bond.txt
 # Check that lb_output is not enabled by default.
 AT_CHECK([grep -q '^lb_output action: disabled' bond.txt])
-for i in `seq 0 255` ;
-    do
-    pkt="in_port(7),eth(src=50:54:00:00:00:05,dst=50:54:00:00:01:00),eth_type(0x0800),ipv4(src=,dst=,proto=6,tos=0,ttl=64,frag=no),tcp(src=8,dst=$i),tcp_flags(ack)"
-    AT_CHECK([ovs-appctl netdev-dummy/receive p7 $pkt])
-    done
 ovs-appctl time/warp 300 100
 AT_CHECK([ovs-appctl dpif/dump-flows br0 |grep tcp > br0_flows.txt])
 AT_CHECK([ovs-appctl dpif/dump-flows br1 |grep tcp > br1_flows.txt])
@@ -400,13 +410,7 @@ OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([ovs-appctl bond/show | grep -q '^lb_output action: enabled'])
 ovs-appctl time/warp 10000 500
 ovs-appctl revalidator/wait
 OVS_WAIT_WHILE([ovs-appctl dpif/dump-flows br1 | grep -q tcp])
-for i in $(seq 256) ;
-    do
-    pkt="in_port(7),eth(src=50:54:00:00:00:05,dst=50:54:00:00:01:00),eth_type(0x0800),ipv4(src=,dst=,proto=6,tos=0,ttl=64,frag=no),tcp(src=8,dst=$i),tcp_flags(ack)"
-    AT_CHECK([ovs-appctl netdev-dummy/receive p7 $pkt])
-    done
 ovs-appctl time/warp 300 100
 AT_CHECK([ovs-appctl dpif/dump-flows br0 | grep tcp > br0_flows.txt])
 AT_CHECK([ovs-appctl dpif/dump-flows br1 | grep tcp > br1_flows.txt])
@@ -423,6 +427,78 @@ OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([test -z "$(ovs-appctl dpif-netdev/bond-show)"])
+# Make sure that rebalancing works after link state changes.
+AT_SETUP([ofproto-dpif - balance-tcp bonding rebalance after link state changes])
+# Create br0 with interfaces bond0(p1, p2) and p5,
+#    and br1 with interfaces bond1(p3, p4) and p6.
+#    bond0 <-> bond1
+# Send some traffic, set link state down and up for p2,
+# send big amount of traffic to trigger rebalancing and
+# make sure that some hashes rebalanced.
+  [add-bond br0 bond0 p1 p2 bond_mode=balance-tcp lacp=active \
+        other-config:lacp-time=fast other-config:bond-rebalance-interval=1000 --\
+   set interface p1 type=dummy options:pstream=punix:$OVS_RUNDIR/p1.sock ofport_request=1 mtu_request=65535 -- \
+   set interface p2 type=dummy options:pstream=punix:$OVS_RUNDIR/p2.sock ofport_request=2 mtu_request=65535 -- \
+   add-port br0 p5 -- set interface p5 ofport_request=5 type=dummy mtu_request=65535 -- \
+   add-br br1 -- \
+   set bridge br1 other-config:hwaddr=aa:66:aa:66:00:00 -- \
+   set bridge br1 datapath-type=dummy other-config:datapath-id=1234 \
+                  fail-mode=secure -- \
+   add-bond br1 bond1 p3 p4 bond_mode=balance-tcp lacp=active \
+        other-config:lacp-time=fast other-config:bond-rebalance-interval=1000 --\
+   set interface p3 type=dummy options:stream=unix:$OVS_RUNDIR/p1.sock ofport_request=3 mtu_request=65535 -- \
+   set interface p4 type=dummy options:stream=unix:$OVS_RUNDIR/p2.sock ofport_request=4 mtu_request=65535 -- \
+   add-port br1 p6 -- set interface p6 ofport_request=6 type=dummy mtu_request=65535 --])
+AT_CHECK([ovs-appctl vlog/set bond:dbg])
+AT_CHECK([ovs-appctl netdev-dummy/set-admin-state up], 0, [OK
+AT_CHECK([ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 action=normal])
+AT_CHECK([ovs-ofctl add-flow br1 action=normal])
+AT_CHECK([ovs-appctl upcall/disable-megaflows], [0], [megaflows disabled
+], [])
+OVS_WAIT_WHILE([ovs-appctl bond/show | grep "may_enable: false"])
+ovs-appctl time/stop
+ovs-appctl time/warp 2000 200
+# Send some traffic to distribute all the hashes between ports.
+AT_CHECK([SEND_TCP_BOND_PKTS([p5], [5], [65500])])
+# Wait for rebalancing for per-hash stats accounting.
+ovs-appctl time/warp 1000 100
+# Check that p2 handles some hashes.
+ovs-appctl bond/show > bond1.txt
+AT_CHECK([sed -n '/member p2/,/^$/p' bond1.txt | grep 'hash'], [0], [ignore])
+# Move p2 down to force all hashes move to p1
+AT_CHECK([ovs-appctl netdev-dummy/set-admin-state p2 down], 0, [OK
+ovs-appctl time/warp 200 100
+# Check that all hashes moved form p2
+ovs-appctl bond/show > bond2.txt
+AT_CHECK([sed -n '/member p2/,/^$/p' bond2.txt | grep 'hash'], [1], [ignore])
+# Move p2 up
+AT_CHECK([ovs-appctl netdev-dummy/set-admin-state p2 up], 0, [OK
+# Send some packets to trigger rebalancing.
+AT_CHECK([SEND_TCP_BOND_PKTS([p5], [5], [65500])])
+# Wait for rebalancing
+ovs-appctl time/warp 1000 100
+# Check that some hashes was shifted to p2
+ovs-appctl bond/show > bond3.txt
+AT_CHECK([sed -n '/member p2/,/^$/p' bond3.txt | grep 'hash'], [0], [ignore])
 # Makes sure recirculation does not change the way packet is handled.
 AT_SETUP([ofproto-dpif - balance-tcp bonding, different recirc flow ])
Louis Abel's avatar
Louis Abel committed
@@ -9520,6 +9596,26 @@ OFPST_TABLE reply (OF1.3) (xid=0x2):
+AT_SETUP([ofproto-dpif packet-out table meter drop])
+add_of_ports br0 1 2
+AT_CHECK([ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 add-meter br0 'meter=1 pktps bands=type=drop rate=1'])
+AT_CHECK([ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 add-flow br0 'in_port=1 action=meter:1,output:2'])
+ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 packet-out br0 "in_port=1 packet=50540000000a50540000000908004500001c000000000011a4cd0a0101010a0101020001000400080000 actions=resubmit(,0)"
+ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 packet-out br0 "in_port=1 packet=50540000000a50540000000908004500001c000000000011a4cd0a0101010a0101020001000400080000 actions=resubmit(,0)"
+# Check that vswitchd hasn't crashed by dumping the meter added above
+AT_CHECK([ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-meters br0 | ofctl_strip], [0], [dnl
+meter=1 pktps bands=
+type=drop rate=1
 AT_SETUP([ofproto-dpif - ICMPv6])
 add_of_ports br0 1
@@ -10842,6 +10938,31 @@ dnl
 NXT_PACKET_IN (xid=0x0): table_id=1 cookie=0x0 total_len=106 in_port=2 (via action) data_len=106 (unbuffered)
 udp,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=50:54:00:00:00:0a,dl_dst=50:54:00:00:00:09,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=64,tp_src=2,tp_dst=1 udp_csum:553
+dnl The next test verifies that ct_clear at the datapath only gets executed
+dnl if conntrack information is present.
+AT_DATA([flows.txt], [dnl
+table=0 in_port=1 actions=ct_clear,ct_clear,ct_clear,p2
+AT_CHECK([ovs-ofctl del-flows br0])
+AT_CHECK([ovs-ofctl add-flows br0 flows.txt])
+AT_CHECK([ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 'in_port=p1,dl_src=50:54:00:00:00:05,dl_dst=50:54:00:00:00:07,dl_type=0x0800,nw_src=,nw_dst='], [0], [stdout])
+AT_CHECK([tail -1 stdout], [0],
+  [Datapath actions: 2
+AT_DATA([flows.txt], [dnl
+table=0 in_port=1 ip actions=ct_clear,ct(table=1)
+table=1 in_port=1 actions=ct_clear,ct_clear,goto_table:2
+table=2 in_port=1 actions=ct_clear,p2
+AT_CHECK([ovs-ofctl del-flows br0])
+AT_CHECK([ovs-ofctl add-flows br0 flows.txt])
+AT_CHECK([ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 'in_port=p1,dl_src=50:54:00:00:00:05,dl_dst=50:54:00:00:00:07,dl_type=0x0800,nw_src=,nw_dst='], [0], [stdout])
+AT_CHECK([grep Datapath stdout | sed 's/recirc(.*)/recirc(X)/'], [0],
+  [Datapath actions: ct,recirc(X)
+Datapath actions: ct_clear,2
Louis Abel's avatar
Louis Abel committed
22267 22268 22269 22270 22271 22272 22273 22274 22275 22276 22277 22278 22279 22280 22281 22282 22283 22284 22285 22286 22287 22288 22289 22290 22291 22292 22293 22294 22295 22296 22297 22298 22299 22300 22301 22302 22303 22304 22305 22306 22307 22308 22309 22310 22311 22312 22313 22314 22315 22316 22317 22318 22319 22320 22321 22322 22323 22324 22325 22326 22327 22328 22329 22330 22331 22332 22333 22334 22335 22336 22337 22338 22339 22340 22341 22342 22343 22344 22345 22346 22347 22348 22349 22350 22351 22352 22353 22354 22355 22356 22357 22358 22359 22360 22361 22362 22363 22364 22365 22366 22367 22368 22369 22370 22371 22372 22373 22374 22375 22376 22377 22378 22379 22380 22381 22382 22383 22384 22385 22386 22387 22388 22389 22390 22391 22392 22393 22394 22395 22396 22397 22398 22399 22400 22401 22402 22403 22404 22405 22406 22407 22408 22409 22410 22411 22412 22413 22414 22415 22416 22417 22418 22419 22420 22421 22422 22423 22424 22425 22426 22427 22428 22429 22430 22431 22432 22433 22434 22435 22436 22437 22438 22439 22440 22441 22442 22443 22444 22445 22446 22447 22448 22449 22450 22451 22452 22453 22454 22455 22456 22457 22458 22459 22460 22461 22462 22463 22464 22465 22466 22467 22468 22469 22470 22471 22472 22473 22474 22475 22476 22477 22478 22479 22480 22481 22482 22483 22484 22485 22486 22487 22488 22489 22490 22491 22492 22493 22494 22495 22496 22497 22498 22499 22500 22501 22502 22503 22504 22505 22506 22507 22508 22509 22510 22511 22512 22513 22514 22515 22516 22517 22518 22519 22520 22521 22522 22523 22524 22525 22526 22527 22528 22529 22530 22531 22532 22533 22534 22535 22536 22537 22538 22539 22540 22541 22542 22543 22544 22545 22546 22547 22548 22549 22550 22551 22552 22553 22554 22555 22556 22557 22558 22559 22560 22561 22562 22563 22564 22565 22566 22567 22568 22569 22570 22571 22572 22573 22574 22575 22576 22577 22578 22579 22580 22581 22582 22583 22584 22585 22586 22587 22588 22589 22590 22591 22592 22593 22594 22595 22596 22597 22598 22599 22600 22601 22602 22603 22604 22605 22606 22607 22608 22609 22610 22611 22612 22613 22614 22615 22616 22617 22618 22619 22620 22621 22622 22623 22624 22625 22626 22627 22628 22629 22630 22631 22632 22633 22634 22635 22636 22637 22638 22639 22640 22641 22642 22643 22644 22645 22646 22647 22648 22649 22650 22651 22652 22653 22654 22655 22656 22657 22658 22659 22660 22661 22662 22663 22664 22665 22666 22667 22668 22669 22670 22671 22672 22673 22674 22675 22676 22677 22678 22679 22680 22681 22682 22683 22684 22685 22686 22687 22688 22689 22690 22691 22692 22693 22694 22695 22696 22697 22698 22699 22700 22701 22702 22703 22704 22705 22706 22707 22708 22709 22710 22711 22712 22713 22714 22715 22716 22717 22718 22719 22720 22721 22722 22723 22724 22725 22726 22727 22728 22729 22730 22731 22732 22733 22734 22735 22736 22737 22738 22739 22740 22741 22742 22743 22744 22745 22746 22747 22748 22749 22750 22751 22752 22753 22754 22755 22756 22757 22758 22759 22760 22761 22762 22763 22764 22765 22766 22767 22768 22769 22770 22771 22772 22773 22774 22775 22776 22777 22778 22779 22780 22781 22782 22783 22784 22785 22786 22787 22788 22789 22790 22791 22792 22793 22794 22795 22796 22797 22798 22799 22800 22801 22802 22803 22804 22805 22806 22807 22808 22809 22810 22811 22812 22813 22814 22815 22816 22817 22818 22819 22820 22821 22822 22823 22824 22825 22826 22827 22828 22829 22830 22831 22832 22833 22834 22835 22836 22837 22838 22839 22840 22841 22842 22843 22844 22845 22846 22847 22848 22849 22850 22851 22852 22853 22854 22855 22856 22857 22858 22859 22860 22861 22862 22863 22864 22865 22866 22867 22868 22869 22870 22871 22872 22873 22874 22875 22876 22877 22878 22879 22880 22881 22882 22883 22884 22885 22886 22887 22888 22889 22890 22891 22892 22893 22894 22895 22896 22897 22898 22899 22900 22901 22902 22903 22904 22905 22906 22907 22908 22909 22910 22911 22912 22913 22914 22915 22916 22917 22918 22919 22920 22921 22922 22923 22924 22925 22926 22927 22928 22929 22930 22931 22932 22933 22934 22935 22936 22937 22938 22939 22940 22941 22942 22943 22944 22945 22946 22947 22948 22949 22950 22951 22952 22953 22954 22955 22956 22957 22958 22959 22960 22961 22962 22963 22964 22965 22966 22967 22968 22969 22970 22971 22972 22973 22974 22975 22976 22977 22978 22979 22980 22981 22982 22983 22984 22985 22986 22987 22988 22989 22990 22991 22992 22993 22994 22995 22996 22997 22998 22999 23000
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 5ddca67e71..604f15c2d1 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -449,6 +449,16 @@ actions=output(max_len=100,port=123)
 AT_CHECK([ovs-ofctl parse-flows flows.txt
@@ -506,6 +516,16 @@ NXT_FLOW_MOD: ADD table:255 actions=output(port=123,max_len=100)
 NXT_FLOW_MOD: ADD table:255 actions=output(port=100,max_len=123)
 NXT_FLOW_MOD: ADD table:255 actions=output(port=LOCAL,max_len=123)
 NXT_FLOW_MOD: ADD table:255 actions=output(port=IN_PORT,max_len=123)
+NXT_FLOW_MOD: ADD table:255 mpls,mpls_label=1 actions=set_mpls_label(0)
+NXT_FLOW_MOD: ADD table:255 mpls,mpls_label=1 actions=set_mpls_label(10)
+NXT_FLOW_MOD: ADD table:255 mpls,mpls_label=1 actions=set_mpls_label(16)
+NXT_FLOW_MOD: ADD table:255 mpls,mpls_label=1 actions=set_mpls_label(1048575)
+NXT_FLOW_MOD: ADD table:255 mpls,mpls_tc=1 actions=set_mpls_tc(0)
+NXT_FLOW_MOD: ADD table:255 mpls,mpls_tc=1 actions=set_mpls_tc(3)
+NXT_FLOW_MOD: ADD table:255 mpls,mpls_tc=1 actions=set_mpls_tc(7)
+NXT_FLOW_MOD: ADD table:255 mpls,mpls_ttl=1 actions=set_mpls_ttl(0)
+NXT_FLOW_MOD: ADD table:255 mpls,mpls_ttl=1 actions=set_mpls_ttl(200)
+NXT_FLOW_MOD: ADD table:255 mpls,mpls_ttl=1 actions=set_mpls_ttl(255)
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index c8babe3612..1f1fc3c79a 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1639,3 +1639,26 @@ AT_CHECK([grep "server name" ovsdb-server.log], [0],
+dnl ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+AT_BANNER([set ingress policing test])
+AT_SETUP([set ingress_policing_rate and ingress_policing_burst])
+   [add-br a],
+   [add-port a a1],
+   [set interface a1 ingress_policing_rate=100],
+   [set interface a1 ingress_policing_burst=10],
+   [--columns=ingress_policing_burst,ingress_policing_rate list interface a1])],
+   [0],
+   [
+ingress_policing_burst: 10
+ingress_policing_rate: 100
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 8d777a0275..5e3b26aea8 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -12,6 +12,30 @@ AT_CHECK([ovsdb-client get-schema-cksum unix:socket ordinals], [0], [12345678 9
+AT_SETUP([ovsdb-client needs-conversion (no conversion needed)])
+AT_KEYWORDS([ovsdb client file positive])
+ordinal_schema > schema
+touch .db.~lock~
+AT_CHECK([ovsdb-tool create db schema], [0], [], [ignore])
+AT_CHECK([ovsdb-server --detach --no-chdir --pidfile --remote=punix:socket db], [0], [ignore], [ignore])
+AT_CHECK([ovsdb-client needs-conversion unix:socket schema], [0], [no
+AT_SETUP([ovsdb-client needs-conversion (conversion needed)])
+AT_KEYWORDS([ovsdb client file positive])
+ordinal_schema > schema
+touch .db.~lock~
+AT_CHECK([ovsdb-tool create db schema], [0], [], [ignore])
+AT_CHECK([ovsdb-server --detach --no-chdir --pidfile --remote=punix:socket db], [0], [ignore], [ignore])
+sed 's/5\.1\.3/5.1.4/' < schema > schema2
+AT_CHECK([diff schema schema2], [1], [ignore])
+AT_CHECK([ovsdb-client needs-conversion unix:socket schema2], [0], [yes
 AT_SETUP([ovsdb-client backup and restore])
 AT_KEYWORDS([ovsdb client positive])
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 92aa427093..cf43e9cf86 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ ovsdb_test_cluster_disconnect () {
            "rows": [{"i": 1}]}]]' > test-ovsdb.log 2>&1 &
     echo $! >
-    OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([grep "000: i=1" test-ovsdb.log])
+    OVS_WAIT_UNTIL([grep "000: table simple: i=1" test-ovsdb.log])
     # Start collecting raft_is_connected logs for $target before shutting down
     # any servers.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 4b4791a7da..d5cdf7e8b0 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ m4_define([OVSDB_CHECK_IDL_REGISTER_COLUMNS_PY],
    m4_if([$2], [], [],
      [AT_CHECK([ovsdb-client transact unix:socket $2], [0], [ignore], [ignore])])
-   AT_CHECK([$PYTHON3 $srcdir/  -t10 idl $srcdir/idltest.ovsschema unix:socket ?simple:b,ba,i,ia,r,ra,s,sa,u,ua?link1:i,k,ka,l2?link2:i,l1?singleton:name $3],
+   AT_CHECK([$PYTHON3 $srcdir/  -t10 idl $srcdir/idltest.ovsschema unix:socket ?simple:b,ba,i,ia,r,ra,s,sa,u,ua?simple3:name,uset,uref?simple4:name?simple6:name,weak_ref?link1:i,k,ka,l2?link2:i,l1?singleton:name $3],
             [0], [stdout], [ignore])
    AT_CHECK([sort stdout | uuidfilt]m4_if([$6],,, [[| $6]]),
             [0], [$4])
@@ -355,28 +355,28 @@ OVSDB_CHECK_IDL([simple idl, initially empty, various ops],
   [[000: empty
 001: {"error":null,"result":[{"uuid":["uuid","<0>"]},{"uuid":["uuid","<1>"]}]}
-002: i=0 r=0 b=false s= u=<2> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
-002: i=1 r=2 b=true s=mystring u=<3> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<4> <5>] uuid=<0>
+002: table simple: i=0 r=0 b=false s= u=<2> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+002: table simple: i=1 r=2 b=true s=mystring u=<3> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<4> <5>] uuid=<0>
 003: {"error":null,"result":[{"count":2}]}
-004: i=0 r=0 b=true s= u=<2> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
-004: i=1 r=2 b=true s=mystring u=<3> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<4> <5>] uuid=<0>
+004: table simple: i=0 r=0 b=true s= u=<2> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+004: table simple: i=1 r=2 b=true s=mystring u=<3> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<4> <5>] uuid=<0>
 005: {"error":null,"result":[{"count":2}]}
-006: i=0 r=123.5 b=true s= u=<2> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
-006: i=1 r=123.5 b=true s=mystring u=<3> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<4> <5>] uuid=<0>
+006: table simple: i=0 r=123.5 b=true s= u=<2> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+006: table simple: i=1 r=123.5 b=true s=mystring u=<3> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<4> <5>] uuid=<0>
 007: {"error":null,"result":[{"uuid":["uuid","<6>"]}]}
-008: i=-1 r=125 b=false s= u=<2> ia=[1] ra=[1.5] ba=[false] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<6>
-008: i=0 r=123.5 b=true s= u=<2> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
-008: i=1 r=123.5 b=true s=mystring u=<3> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<4> <5>] uuid=<0>
+008: table simple: i=-1 r=125 b=false s= u=<2> ia=[1] ra=[1.5] ba=[false] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<6>
+008: table simple: i=0 r=123.5 b=true s= u=<2> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+008: table simple: i=1 r=123.5 b=true s=mystring u=<3> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<4> <5>] uuid=<0>
 009: {"error":null,"result":[{"count":2}]}
-010: i=-1 r=125 b=false s=newstring u=<2> ia=[1] ra=[1.5] ba=[false] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<6>
-010: i=0 r=123.5 b=true s=newstring u=<2> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
-010: i=1 r=123.5 b=true s=mystring u=<3> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<4> <5>] uuid=<0>
+010: table simple: i=-1 r=125 b=false s=newstring u=<2> ia=[1] ra=[1.5] ba=[false] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<6>
+010: table simple: i=0 r=123.5 b=true s=newstring u=<2> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+010: table simple: i=1 r=123.5 b=true s=mystring u=<3> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<4> <5>] uuid=<0>
 011: {"error":null,"result":[{"count":1}]}
-012: i=-1 r=125 b=false s=newstring u=<2> ia=[1] ra=[1.5] ba=[false] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<6>
-012: i=1 r=123.5 b=true s=mystring u=<3> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<4> <5>] uuid=<0>
+012: table simple: i=-1 r=125 b=false s=newstring u=<2> ia=[1] ra=[1.5] ba=[false] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<6>
+012: table simple: i=1 r=123.5 b=true s=mystring u=<3> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<4> <5>] uuid=<0>
 013: reconnect
-014: i=-1 r=125 b=false s=newstring u=<2> ia=[1] ra=[1.5] ba=[false] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<6>
-014: i=1 r=123.5 b=true s=mystring u=<3> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<4> <5>] uuid=<0>
+014: table simple: i=-1 r=125 b=false s=newstring u=<2> ia=[1] ra=[1.5] ba=[false] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<6>
+014: table simple: i=1 r=123.5 b=true s=mystring u=<3> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<4> <5>] uuid=<0>
 015: done
@@ -403,11 +403,11 @@ OVSDB_CHECK_IDL([simple idl, initially populated],
        "table": "simple",
        "where": [],
        "row": {"b": true}}]']],
-  [[000: i=0 r=0 b=false s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
-000: i=1 r=2 b=true s=mystring u=<2> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<3> <4>] uuid=<5>
+  [[000: table simple: i=0 r=0 b=false s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+000: table simple: i=1 r=2 b=true s=mystring u=<2> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<3> <4>] uuid=<5>
 001: {"error":null,"result":[{"count":2}]}
-002: i=0 r=0 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
-002: i=1 r=2 b=true s=mystring u=<2> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<3> <4>] uuid=<5>
+002: table simple: i=0 r=0 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+002: table simple: i=1 r=2 b=true s=mystring u=<2> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<3> <4>] uuid=<5>
 003: done
@@ -431,14 +431,14 @@ OVSDB_CHECK_IDL([simple idl, writing via IDL],
        "row": {}}]']],
   [['verify 0 b, verify 1 r, set 0 b 1, set 1 r 3.5' \
     'insert 2, verify 2 i, verify 1 b, delete 1']],
-  [[000: i=0 r=0 b=false s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
-000: i=1 r=2 b=true s=mystring u=<2> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<3> <4>] uuid=<5>
+  [[000: table simple: i=0 r=0 b=false s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+000: table simple: i=1 r=2 b=true s=mystring u=<2> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<3> <4>] uuid=<5>
 001: commit, status=success
-002: i=0 r=0 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
-002: i=1 r=3.5 b=true s=mystring u=<2> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<3> <4>] uuid=<5>
+002: table simple: i=0 r=0 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+002: table simple: i=1 r=3.5 b=true s=mystring u=<2> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<3> <4>] uuid=<5>
 003: commit, status=success
-004: i=0 r=0 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
-004: i=2 r=0 b=false s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<6>
+004: table simple: i=0 r=0 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+004: table simple: i=2 r=0 b=false s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<6>
 005: done
@@ -448,10 +448,10 @@ OVSDB_CHECK_IDL([simple idl, writing via IDL with unicode],
        "table": "simple",
        "row": {"s": "(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻"}}]']],
   [['set 0 b 1, insert 1, set 1 s "¯\_(ツ)_/¯"']],
-  [[000: i=0 r=0 b=false s=(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+  [[000: table simple: i=0 r=0 b=false s=(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
 001: commit, status=success
-002: i=0 r=0 b=true s=(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
-002: i=1 r=0 b=false s="¯\_(ツ)_/¯" u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<2>
+002: table simple: i=0 r=0 b=true s=(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+002: table simple: i=1 r=0 b=false s="¯\_(ツ)_/¯" u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<2>
 003: done
@@ -475,10 +475,10 @@ OVSDB_CHECK_IDL_PY_WITH_EXPOUT([simple idl, writing large data via IDL with unic
        "table": "simple",
        "row": {"s": "'$(printf "测试超过四千零九十六个字节的中文字符串以使解码出现问题。%.0s" {1..50})'"}}]']],
   [['set 0 b 1, insert 1, set 1 s '$(printf "测试超过四千零九十六个字节的中文字符串以使解码出现问题。%.0s" {1..100})'']],
-  [[000: i=0 r=0 b=false s=$(printf "测试超过四千零九十六个字节的中文字符串以使解码出现问题。%.0s" {1..50}) u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+  [[000: table simple: i=0 r=0 b=false s=$(printf "测试超过四千零九十六个字节的中文字符串以使解码出现问题。%.0s" {1..50}) u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
 001: commit, status=success
-002: i=0 r=0 b=true s=$(printf "测试超过四千零九十六个字节的中文字符串以使解码出现问题。%.0s" {1..50}) u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
-002: i=1 r=0 b=false s=$(printf "测试超过四千零九十六个字节的中文字符串以使解码出现问题。%.0s" {1..100}) u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<2>
+002: table simple: i=0 r=0 b=true s=$(printf "测试超过四千零九十六个字节的中文字符串以使解码出现问题。%.0s" {1..50}) u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+002: table simple: i=1 r=0 b=false s=$(printf "测试超过四千零九十六个字节的中文字符串以使解码出现问题。%.0s" {1..100}) u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<2>
 003: done]])
 OVSDB_CHECK_IDL([simple idl, handling verification failure],
@@ -499,16 +499,16 @@ OVSDB_CHECK_IDL([simple idl, handling verification failure],
     '+verify 1 r, set 1 r 3' \
     'verify 1 r, set 1 r 3' \
-  [[000: i=0 r=0 b=false s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
-000: i=1 r=2 b=false s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<2>
+  [[000: table simple: i=0 r=0 b=false s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+000: table simple: i=1 r=2 b=false s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<2>
 001: commit, status=success
 002: {"error":null,"result":[{"count":1}]}
 003: commit, status=try again
-004: i=0 r=0 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
-004: i=1 r=5 b=false s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<2>
+004: table simple: i=0 r=0 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+004: table simple: i=1 r=5 b=false s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<2>
 005: commit, status=success
-006: i=0 r=0 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
-006: i=1 r=3 b=false s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<2>
+006: table simple: i=0 r=0 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+006: table simple: i=1 r=3 b=false s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<2>
 007: done
@@ -518,9 +518,9 @@ OVSDB_CHECK_IDL([simple idl, increment operation],
        "table": "simple",
        "row": {}}]']],
   [['set 0 r 2.0, increment 0']],
-  [[000: i=0 r=0 b=false s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+  [[000: table simple: i=0 r=0 b=false s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
 001: commit, status=success, increment=1
-002: i=1 r=2 b=false s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+002: table simple: i=1 r=2 b=false s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
 003: done
@@ -531,10 +531,10 @@ OVSDB_CHECK_IDL([simple idl, aborting],
        "row": {}}]']],
   [['set 0 r 2.0, abort' \
 '+set 0 b 1']],
-  [[000: i=0 r=0 b=false s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+  [[000: table simple: i=0 r=0 b=false s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
 001: commit, status=aborted
 002: commit, status=success
-003: i=0 r=0 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+003: table simple: i=0 r=0 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
 004: done
@@ -545,10 +545,10 @@ OVSDB_CHECK_IDL([simple idl, destroy without commit or abort],
        "row": {}}]']],
   [['set 0 r 2.0, destroy' \
 '+set 0 b 1']],
-  [[000: i=0 r=0 b=false s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+  [[000: table simple: i=0 r=0 b=false s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
 001: destroy
 002: commit, status=success
-003: i=0 r=0 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+003: table simple: i=0 r=0 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
 004: done
@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ OVSDB_CHECK_IDL([simple idl, conditional, false condition],
   [[000: change conditions
 001: empty
 002: change conditions
-003: i=1 r=2 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+003: table simple: i=1 r=2 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
 004: done
@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ OVSDB_CHECK_IDL([simple idl, conditional, true condition],
   [[000: change conditions
 001: empty
 002: change conditions
-003: i=1 r=2 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+003: table simple: i=1 r=2 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
 004: done
@@ -601,8 +601,8 @@ OVSDB_CHECK_IDL([simple idl, conditional, multiple clauses in condition],
   [[000: change conditions
 001: empty
 002: change conditions
-003: i=1 r=2 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
-003: i=2 r=3 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<2>
+003: table simple: i=1 r=2 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+003: table simple: i=2 r=3 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<2>
 004: done
@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ OVSDB_CHECK_IDL([simple idl, conditional, modify as insert due to condition],
   [[000: change conditions
 001: empty
 002: change conditions
-003: i=1 r=2 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+003: table simple: i=1 r=2 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
 004: done
@@ -641,11 +641,11 @@ OVSDB_CHECK_IDL([simple idl, conditional, modify as delete due to condition],
   [[000: change conditions
 001: empty
 002: change conditions
-003: i=1 r=2 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+003: table simple: i=1 r=2 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
 004: change conditions
 005: empty
 006: {"error":null,"result":[{"uuid":["uuid","<2>"]}]}
-007: i=2 r=3 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<2>
+007: table simple: i=2 r=3 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<2>
 008: done
@@ -676,15 +676,15 @@ OVSDB_CHECK_IDL([simple idl, conditional, multiple tables],
   [[000: change conditions
 001: empty
 002: change conditions
-003: i=1 r=2 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+003: table simple: i=1 r=2 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
 004: change conditions
-005: i=0 k=0 ka=[] l2= uuid=<2>
-005: i=1 r=2 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+005: table link1: i=0 k=0 ka=[] l2= uuid=<2>
+005: table simple: i=1 r=2 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
 006: change conditions
 007: {"error":null,"result":[{"uuid":["uuid","<3>"]}]}
-008: i=0 k=0 ka=[] l2= uuid=<2>
-008: i=1 r=2 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
-008: i=3 l1= uuid=<3>
+008: table link1: i=0 k=0 ka=[] l2= uuid=<2>
+008: table link2: i=3 l1= uuid=<3>
+008: table simple: i=1 r=2 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
 009: done
@@ -716,19 +716,19 @@ OVSDB_CHECK_IDL([self-linking idl, consistent ops],
        "row": {"k": ["uuid", "#0#"]}}]']],
   [[000: empty
 001: {"error":null,"result":[{"uuid":["uuid","<0>"]}]}
-002: i=0 k=0 ka=[] l2= uuid=<0>
+002: table link1: i=0 k=0 ka=[] l2= uuid=<0>
 003: {"error":null,"result":[{"uuid":["uuid","<1>"]},{"uuid":["uuid","<2>"]}]}
-004: i=0 k=0 ka=[] l2= uuid=<0>
-004: i=1 k=2 ka=[] l2= uuid=<1>
-004: i=2 k=1 ka=[] l2= uuid=<2>
+004: table link1: i=0 k=0 ka=[] l2= uuid=<0>
+004: table link1: i=1 k=2 ka=[] l2= uuid=<1>
+004: table link1: i=2 k=1 ka=[] l2= uuid=<2>
 005: {"error":null,"result":[{"count":1}]}
-006: i=0 k=0 ka=[] l2= uuid=<0>
-006: i=1 k=1 ka=[] l2= uuid=<1>
-006: i=2 k=1 ka=[] l2= uuid=<2>
+006: table link1: i=0 k=0 ka=[] l2= uuid=<0>
+006: table link1: i=1 k=1 ka=[] l2= uuid=<1>
+006: table link1: i=2 k=1 ka=[] l2= uuid=<2>
 007: {"error":null,"result":[{"count":3}]}
-008: i=0 k=0 ka=[] l2= uuid=<0>
-008: i=1 k=0 ka=[] l2= uuid=<1>
-008: i=2 k=0 ka=[] l2= uuid=<2>
+008: table link1: i=0 k=0 ka=[] l2= uuid=<0>
+008: table link1: i=1 k=0 ka=[] l2= uuid=<1>
+008: table link1: i=2 k=0 ka=[] l2= uuid=<2>
 009: done
@@ -767,12 +767,12 @@ OVSDB_CHECK_IDL([self-linking idl, inconsistent ops],
   [[000: empty
 001: {"error":null,"result":[{"uuid":["uuid","<0>"]},{"details":"Table link1 column k row <0> references nonexistent row <1> in table link1.","error":"referential integrity violation"}]}
 002: {"error":null,"result":[{"uuid":["uuid","<2>"]},{"uuid":["uuid","<3>"]}]}
-003: i=1 k=1 ka=[] l2= uuid=<2>
-003: i=2 k=1 ka=[] l2= uuid=<3>
+003: table link1: i=1 k=1 ka=[] l2= uuid=<2>
+003: table link1: i=2 k=1 ka=[] l2= uuid=<3>
 004: {"error":null,"result":[{"count":2},{"details":"Table link1 column k row <x> references nonexistent row <4> in table link1.","error":"referential integrity violation"}]}
 005: {"error":null,"result":[{"count":1},{"details":"cannot delete link1 row <2> because of 1 remaining reference(s)","error":"referential integrity violation"}]}
 006: {"error":null,"result":[{"count":1}]}
-007: i=1 k=1 ka=[] l2= uuid=<2>
+007: table link1: i=1 k=1 ka=[] l2= uuid=<2>
 008: {"error":null,"result":[{"count":1}]}
 009: empty
 010: done
@@ -815,15 +815,15 @@ OVSDB_CHECK_IDL([self-linking idl, sets],
        "where": []}]']],
   [[000: empty
 001: {"error":null,"result":[{"uuid":["uuid","<0>"]},{"uuid":["uuid","<1>"]},{"uuid":["uuid","<2>"]},{"uuid":["uuid","<3>"]}]}
-002: i=0 k=0 ka=[0] l2= uuid=<0>
-002: i=1 k=0 ka=[1] l2= uuid=<1>
-002: i=2 k=0 ka=[2] l2= uuid=<2>
-002: i=3 k=0 ka=[3] l2= uuid=<3>
+002: table link1: i=0 k=0 ka=[0] l2= uuid=<0>
+002: table link1: i=1 k=0 ka=[1] l2= uuid=<1>
+002: table link1: i=2 k=0 ka=[2] l2= uuid=<2>
+002: table link1: i=3 k=0 ka=[3] l2= uuid=<3>
 003: {"error":null,"result":[{"count":4}]}
-004: i=0 k=0 ka=[0 1 2 3] l2= uuid=<0>
-004: i=1 k=0 ka=[0 1 2 3] l2= uuid=<1>
-004: i=2 k=0 ka=[0 1 2 3] l2= uuid=<2>
-004: i=3 k=0 ka=[0 1 2 3] l2= uuid=<3>
+004: table link1: i=0 k=0 ka=[0 1 2 3] l2= uuid=<0>
+004: table link1: i=1 k=0 ka=[0 1 2 3] l2= uuid=<1>
+004: table link1: i=2 k=0 ka=[0 1 2 3] l2= uuid=<2>
+004: table link1: i=3 k=0 ka=[0 1 2 3] l2= uuid=<3>
 005: {"error":null,"result":[{"count":1},{"details":"Table link1 column ka row <2> references nonexistent row <4> in table link1.","error":"referential integrity violation"}]}
 006: {"error":null,"result":[{"count":4}]}
 007: empty
@@ -843,8 +843,8 @@ OVSDB_CHECK_IDL([external-linking idl, consistent ops],
        "uuid-name": "row1"}]']],
   [[000: empty
 001: {"error":null,"result":[{"uuid":["uuid","<0>"]},{"uuid":["uuid","<1>"]}]}
-002: i=0 l1= uuid=<0>
-002: i=1 k=1 ka=[] l2=0 uuid=<1>
+002: table link1: i=1 k=1 ka=[] l2=0 uuid=<1>
+002: table link2: i=0 l1= uuid=<0>
 003: done
@@ -867,20 +867,49 @@ OVSDB_CHECK_IDL([singleton idl, constraints],
        "row": {"name": "bar"}}]']],
   [[000: empty
 001: {"error":null,"result":[{"uuid":["uuid","<0>"]}]}
-002: name=foo uuid=<0>
+002: table singleton: name=foo uuid=<0>
 003: {"error":null,"result":[{"uuid":["uuid","<1>"]},{"details":"transaction causes \"singleton\" table to contain 2 rows, greater than the schema-defined limit of 1 row(s)","error":"constraint violation"}]}
 004: {"error":null,"result":[{"count":1},{"uuid":["uuid","<2>"]}]}
-005: name=bar uuid=<2>
+005: table singleton: name=bar uuid=<2>
 006: done
+dnl This test creates a database with references and checks that deleting both
+dnl source and destination rows of a reference in a single update doesn't leak
+dnl rows that got orphaned when processing the update.
+OVSDB_CHECK_IDL([simple idl, references, multiple deletes],
+  [['["idltest",
+      {"op": "insert",
+       "table": "simple",
+       "row": {"s": "row0_s"},
+       "uuid-name": "weak_row0"},
+      {"op": "insert",
+       "table": "simple6",
+       "row": {"name": "first_row",
+               "weak_ref": ["set",
+                             [["named-uuid", "weak_row0"]]
+                           ]}}]']],
+  [['["idltest",
+      {"op": "delete",
+       "table": "simple",
+       "where": [["s", "==", "row0_s"]]},
+      {"op": "delete",
+       "table": "simple6",
+       "where": [["name", "==", "first_row"]]}]']],
+  [[000: table simple6: name=first_row weak_ref=[<0>] uuid=<1>
+000: table simple: i=0 r=0 b=false s=row0_s u=<2> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<0>
+001: {"error":null,"result":[{"count":1},{"count":1}]}
+002: empty
+003: done
 OVSDB_CHECK_IDL_PY([external-linking idl, insert ops],
   [[000: empty
 001: commit, status=success
-002: i=1 k=1 ka=[1] l2= uuid=<0>
-002: i=2 k=1 ka=[1 2] l2= uuid=<1>
+002: table link1: i=1 k=1 ka=[1] l2= uuid=<0>
+002: table link1: i=2 k=1 ka=[1 2] l2= uuid=<1>
 003: done
@@ -889,7 +918,7 @@ OVSDB_CHECK_IDL_PY([getattr idl, insert ops],
   [[000: empty
 001: commit, status=success
-002: i=2 k=2 ka=[] l2= uuid=<0>
+002: table link1: i=2 k=2 ka=[] l2= uuid=<0>
 003: done
@@ -902,11 +931,11 @@ OVSDB_CHECK_IDL_PY([row-from-json idl, whats this],
        "table": "simple",
        "row": {}}]']],
   [['notifytest insert 2, notifytest set 1 b 1, notifytest delete 0']],
-  [[000: i=0 r=0 b=false s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
-000: i=1 r=0 b=false s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<2>
+  [[000: table simple: i=0 r=0 b=false s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+000: table simple: i=1 r=0 b=false s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<2>
 001: commit, status=success, events=create|2|None, delete|0|None, update|1|b
-002: i=1 r=0 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<2>
-002: i=2 r=0 b=false s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<3>
+002: table simple: i=1 r=0 b=true s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<2>
+002: table simple: i=2 r=0 b=false s= u=<0> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<3>
 003: done
@@ -946,19 +975,19 @@ AT_CHECK([test-ovsdb '-vPATTERN:console:test-ovsdb|%c|%m' -vjsonrpc -t10 idl uni
 AT_CHECK([sort stdout | uuidfilt], [0],
     [[000: empty
 001: {"error":null,"result":[{"uuid":["uuid","<0>"]}]}
-002: i=0 k=0 ka=[] l2= uuid=<0>
+002: table link1: i=0 k=0 ka=[] l2= uuid=<0>
 003: {"error":null,"result":[{"uuid":["uuid","<1>"]},{"uuid":["uuid","<2>"]}]}
-004: i=0 k=0 ka=[] l2= uuid=<0>
-004: i=1 k=2 ka=[] l2= uuid=<1>
-004: i=2 k=1 ka=[] l2= uuid=<2>
+004: table link1: i=0 k=0 ka=[] l2= uuid=<0>
+004: table link1: i=1 k=2 ka=[] l2= uuid=<1>
+004: table link1: i=2 k=1 ka=[] l2= uuid=<2>
 005: {"error":null,"result":[{"count":1}]}
-006: i=0 k=0 ka=[] l2= uuid=<0>
-006: i=1 k=1 ka=[] l2= uuid=<1>
-006: i=2 k=1 ka=[] l2= uuid=<2>
+006: table link1: i=0 k=0 ka=[] l2= uuid=<0>
+006: table link1: i=1 k=1 ka=[] l2= uuid=<1>
+006: table link1: i=2 k=1 ka=[] l2= uuid=<2>
 007: {"error":null,"result":[{"count":3}]}
-008: i=0 k=0 ka=[] l2= uuid=<0>
-008: i=1 k=0 ka=[] l2= uuid=<1>
-008: i=2 k=0 ka=[] l2= uuid=<2>
+008: table link1: i=0 k=0 ka=[] l2= uuid=<0>
+008: table link1: i=1 k=0 ka=[] l2= uuid=<1>
+008: table link1: i=2 k=0 ka=[] l2= uuid=<2>
 009: done
@@ -1022,11 +1051,11 @@ OVSDB_CHECK_IDL_FETCH_COLUMNS([simple idl, initially populated],
        "row": {}}]']],
   ['fetch 0 r'],
-  [[000: i=0 uuid=<0>
-000: i=1 uuid=<1>
+  [[000: table simple: i=0 uuid=<0>
+000: table simple: i=1 uuid=<1>
 001: commit, status=success
-002: i=0 r=0 uuid=<0>
-002: i=1 uuid=<1>
+002: table simple: i=0 r=0 uuid=<0>
+002: table simple: i=1 uuid=<1>
 003: done
@@ -1098,28 +1127,28 @@ OVSDB_CHECK_IDL_WO_MONITOR_COND([simple idl disable monitor-cond],
   [[000: empty
 001: {"error":null,"result":[{"uuid":["uuid","<0>"]},{"uuid":["uuid","<1>"]}]}
-002: i=0 r=0 b=false s= u=<2> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
-002: i=1 r=2 b=true s=mystring u=<3> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<4> <5>] uuid=<0>
+002: table simple: i=0 r=0 b=false s= u=<2> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+002: table simple: i=1 r=2 b=true s=mystring u=<3> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<4> <5>] uuid=<0>
 003: {"error":null,"result":[{"count":2}]}
-004: i=0 r=0 b=true s= u=<2> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
-004: i=1 r=2 b=true s=mystring u=<3> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<4> <5>] uuid=<0>
+004: table simple: i=0 r=0 b=true s= u=<2> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+004: table simple: i=1 r=2 b=true s=mystring u=<3> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<4> <5>] uuid=<0>
 005: {"error":null,"result":[{"count":2}]}
-006: i=0 r=123.5 b=true s= u=<2> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
-006: i=1 r=123.5 b=true s=mystring u=<3> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<4> <5>] uuid=<0>
+006: table simple: i=0 r=123.5 b=true s= u=<2> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+006: table simple: i=1 r=123.5 b=true s=mystring u=<3> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<4> <5>] uuid=<0>
 007: {"error":null,"result":[{"uuid":["uuid","<6>"]}]}
-008: i=-1 r=125 b=false s= u=<2> ia=[1] ra=[1.5] ba=[false] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<6>
-008: i=0 r=123.5 b=true s= u=<2> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
-008: i=1 r=123.5 b=true s=mystring u=<3> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<4> <5>] uuid=<0>
+008: table simple: i=-1 r=125 b=false s= u=<2> ia=[1] ra=[1.5] ba=[false] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<6>
+008: table simple: i=0 r=123.5 b=true s= u=<2> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+008: table simple: i=1 r=123.5 b=true s=mystring u=<3> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<4> <5>] uuid=<0>
 009: {"error":null,"result":[{"count":2}]}
-010: i=-1 r=125 b=false s=newstring u=<2> ia=[1] ra=[1.5] ba=[false] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<6>
-010: i=0 r=123.5 b=true s=newstring u=<2> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
-010: i=1 r=123.5 b=true s=mystring u=<3> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<4> <5>] uuid=<0>
+010: table simple: i=-1 r=125 b=false s=newstring u=<2> ia=[1] ra=[1.5] ba=[false] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<6>
+010: table simple: i=0 r=123.5 b=true s=newstring u=<2> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+010: table simple: i=1 r=123.5 b=true s=mystring u=<3> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<4> <5>] uuid=<0>
 011: {"error":null,"result":[{"count":1}]}
-012: i=-1 r=125 b=false s=newstring u=<2> ia=[1] ra=[1.5] ba=[false] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<6>
-012: i=1 r=123.5 b=true s=mystring u=<3> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<4> <5>] uuid=<0>
+012: table simple: i=-1 r=125 b=false s=newstring u=<2> ia=[1] ra=[1.5] ba=[false] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<6>
+012: table simple: i=1 r=123.5 b=true s=mystring u=<3> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<4> <5>] uuid=<0>
 013: reconnect
-014: i=-1 r=125 b=false s=newstring u=<2> ia=[1] ra=[1.5] ba=[false] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<6>
-014: i=1 r=123.5 b=true s=mystring u=<3> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<4> <5>] uuid=<0>
+014: table simple: i=-1 r=125 b=false s=newstring u=<2> ia=[1] ra=[1.5] ba=[false] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<6>
+014: table simple: i=1 r=123.5 b=true s=mystring u=<3> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<4> <5>] uuid=<0>
 015: done
@@ -1162,13 +1191,12 @@ OVSDB_CHECK_IDL_TRACK([track, simple idl, initially populated],
        "table": "simple",
        "where": [],
        "row": {"b": true}}]']],
-  [[000: i=1 r=2 b=true s=mystring u=<0> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<1> <2>] uuid=<3>
-000: inserted row: uuid=<3>
-000: updated columns: b ba i ia r ra s sa u ua
+  [[000: table simple: inserted row: i=1 r=2 b=true s=mystring u=<0> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<1> <2>] uuid=<3>
+000: table simple: updated columns: b ba i ia r ra s sa u ua
 001: {"error":null,"result":[{"count":2}]}
-002: i=0 r=0 b=true s= u=<4> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<5>
-002: i=1 r=2 b=true s=mystring u=<0> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<1> <2>] uuid=<3>
-002: updated columns: b
+002: table simple: i=0 r=0 b=true s= u=<4> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<5>
+002: table simple: i=1 r=2 b=true s=mystring u=<0> ia=[1 2 3] ra=[-0.5] ba=[true] sa=[abc def] ua=[<1> <2>] uuid=<3>
+002: table simple: updated columns: b
 003: done
@@ -1209,19 +1237,17 @@ OVSDB_CHECK_IDL_TRACK([track, simple idl, initially populated, orphan weak refer
       "table": "simple6",
       "where": []}]']],
   [[000: change conditions
-001: inserted row: uuid=<0>
-001: name=first_row weak_ref=[] uuid=<0>
-001: updated columns: name weak_ref
+001: table simple6: inserted row: name=first_row weak_ref=[] uuid=<0>
+001: table simple6: updated columns: name weak_ref
 002: change conditions
-003: i=0 r=0 b=false s=row1_s u=<1> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<2>
-003: inserted row: uuid=<2>
-003: name=first_row weak_ref=[<2>] uuid=<0>
-003: updated columns: s
+003: table simple6: name=first_row weak_ref=[<1>] uuid=<0>
+003: table simple: inserted row: i=0 r=0 b=false s=row1_s u=<2> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+003: table simple: updated columns: s
 004: {"error":null,"result":[{"count":1}]}
-005: name=new_name weak_ref=[<2>] uuid=<0>
-005: updated columns: name
+005: table simple6: name=new_name weak_ref=[<1>] uuid=<0>
+005: table simple6: updated columns: name
 006: {"error":null,"result":[{"count":1}]}
-007: i=0 r=0 b=false s=row1_s u=<1> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<2>
+007: table simple: i=0 r=0 b=false s=row1_s u=<2> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
 008: done
@@ -1253,30 +1279,266 @@ OVSDB_CHECK_IDL_TRACK([track, simple idl, initially populated, orphan rows, cond
       "table": "simple6",
       "where": []}]']],
   [[000: change conditions
-001: inserted row: uuid=<0>
-001: name=first_row weak_ref=[] uuid=<0>
-001: updated columns: name weak_ref
+001: table simple6: inserted row: name=first_row weak_ref=[] uuid=<0>
+001: table simple6: updated columns: name weak_ref
 002: change conditions
-003: i=0 r=0 b=false s=row0_s u=<1> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<2>
-003: inserted row: uuid=<2>
-003: name=first_row weak_ref=[<2>] uuid=<0>
-003: updated columns: s
+003: table simple6: name=first_row weak_ref=[<1>] uuid=<0>
+003: table simple: inserted row: i=0 r=0 b=false s=row0_s u=<2> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+003: table simple: updated columns: s
 004: change conditions
-005: i=0 r=0 b=false s=row1_s u=<1> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<3>
-005: inserted row: uuid=<3>
-005: updated columns: s
+005: table simple6: name=first_row weak_ref=[] uuid=<0>
+005: table simple: deleted row: i=0 r=0 b=false s=row0_s u=<2> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+005: table simple: inserted row: i=0 r=0 b=false s=row1_s u=<2> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<3>
+005: table simple: updated columns: s
 006: change conditions
-007: deleted row: uuid=<3>
-007: i=0 r=0 b=false s=row0_s u=<1> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<2>
-007: i=0 r=0 b=false s=row1_s u=<1> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<3>
-007: inserted row: uuid=<2>
-007: name=first_row weak_ref=[<2>] uuid=<0>
-007: updated columns: s
+007: table simple6: name=first_row weak_ref=[<1>] uuid=<0>
+007: table simple: deleted row: i=0 r=0 b=false s=row1_s u=<2> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<3>
+007: table simple: inserted row: i=0 r=0 b=false s=row0_s u=<2> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+007: table simple: updated columns: s
+008: {"error":null,"result":[{"count":1}]}
+009: table simple: i=0 r=0 b=false s=row0_s u=<2> ia=[] ra=[] ba=[] sa=[] ua=[] uuid=<1>
+010: done
+dnl This test checks that deleting the destination of a weak reference
+dnl without deleting the source, through monitor condition change, updates
+dnl the source tracked record.
+OVSDB_CHECK_IDL_TRACK([track, simple idl, initially populated, references, conditional delete],
+  [['["idltest",
+      {"op": "insert",
+       "table": "simple",
+       "row": {"s": "row0_s", "i": 0},
+       "uuid-name": "weak_row0"},
+      {"op": "insert",
+       "table": "simple",
+       "row": {"s": "row1_s", "i": 1},
+       "uuid-name": "weak_row1"},
+      {"op": "insert",
+       "table": "simple6",
+       "row": {"name": "first_row",
+               "weak_ref": ["set",
+                             [["named-uuid", "weak_row0"],
+                              ["named-uuid", "weak_row1"]]
+                           ]}}]']],