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Commit 4a802119 authored by CentOS Sources's avatar CentOS Sources
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import java-11-openjdk-

parent 700dcbc1
No related branches found
No related merge requests found
8fb81cb2ae37ec04bfc0e3651257a9f9756786a6 SOURCES/jdk-updates-jdk11u-jdk-11.0.10+9-4curve.tar.xz
a339f6e108c16a23c47504565b602a6fc395bf2e SOURCES/jdk-updates-jdk11u-jdk-11.0.11+9-4curve.tar.xz
7ae2cba67467825b2c2a5fec7aea041865023002 SOURCES/tapsets-icedtea-3.15.0.tar.xz
This diff is collapsed.
# Arguments: <JDK TREE> <MINIMAL|FULL>
cd openjdk
if test "x${TREE}" = "x"; then
echo "$0 <JDK_TREE> (MINIMAL|FULL)";
exit 1;
if test "x${TYPE}" = "x"; then
if test "x${TYPE}" != "xminimal" -a "x${TYPE}" != "xfull"; then
echo "Type must be minimal or full";
exit 2;
echo "Removing in-tree libraries from ${TREE}"
echo "Cleansing operation: ${TYPE}";
cd ${TREE}
echo "Removing built-in libs (they will be linked)"
# On full runs, allow for zlib having already been deleted by minimal
echo "Removing zlib"
if [ ! -d ${ZIP_SRC} ]; then
if [ "x${TYPE}" = "xminimal" -a ! -d ${ZIP_SRC} ]; then
echo "${ZIP_SRC} does not exist. Refusing to proceed."
exit 1
rm -rvf ${ZIP_SRC}
# Minimal is limited to just zlib so finish here
if test "x${TYPE}" = "xminimal"; then
echo "Finished.";
exit 0;
echo "Removing libjpeg"
if [ ! -f ${JPEG_SRC}/jdhuff.c ]; then # some file that sound definitely exist
if [ ! -f ${JPEG_SRC}/jdhuff.c ]; then # some file that should definitely exist
echo "${JPEG_SRC} does not contain jpeg sources. Refusing to proceed."
exit 1
diff -r eba0f976c468 -r 1fceafb49be5 src/java.base/share/classes/
--- openjdk/src/java.base/share/classes/ Thu Jul 30 15:05:22 2020 +0200
+++ openjdk/src/java.base/share/classes/ Thu Aug 13 15:17:59 2020 +0200
@@ -132,6 +132,8 @@
// additional qualified exports may be inserted at build time
// see make/gensrc/GenModuleInfo.gmk
+ exports com.sun.crypto.provider to
+ jdk.crypto.cryptoki;
exports to;
exports jdk.internal to
diff -r e10f558e1df5 openjdk/src/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/
--- openjdk/src/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/ Mon Aug 31 16:12:32 2020 +0100
+++ openjdk/src/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/ Mon Aug 31 15:17:50 2020 -0300
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@
throw (ShortBufferException)
(new ShortBufferException().initCause(e));
- reset(false);
+ reset(true);
throw new ProviderException("update() failed", e);
@@ -746,7 +746,7 @@
throw (ShortBufferException)
(new ShortBufferException().initCause(e));
- reset(false);
+ reset(true);
throw new ProviderException("update() failed", e);
# HG changeset patch
# User Zdenek Zambersky <>
# Date 1601403587 -7200
# Tue Sep 29 20:19:47 2020 +0200
# Node ID f77ac813eee61b2e9616b2d71a2c5372d0cbd158
# Parent d484fdfcc7d5c21812de8a0712236d077b0f2dde
Fixed default policy for jdk.crypto.cryptoki
diff -r d484fdfcc7d5 -r f77ac813eee6 src/java.base/share/lib/security/default.policy
--- openjdk.orig/src/java.base/share/lib/security/default.policy Wed Sep 02 07:36:15 2020 +0200
+++ openjdk/src/java.base/share/lib/security/default.policy Tue Sep 29 20:19:47 2020 +0200
@@ -124,6 +124,8 @@
grant codeBase "jrt:/jdk.crypto.cryptoki" {
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission
+ permission java.lang.RuntimePermission
+ "";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "loadLibrary.j2pkcs11";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "", "read";
# HG changeset patch
# User Zdenek Zambersky <>
# Date 1601419086 -7200
# Wed Sep 30 00:38:06 2020 +0200
# Node ID 02c8b154f728be3dd06239a98519d654e2127186
# Parent f77ac813eee61b2e9616b2d71a2c5372d0cbd158
P11Util: Create provider in priviledged block
diff -r f77ac813eee6 -r 02c8b154f728 src/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/
--- openjdk.orig/src/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/ Tue Sep 29 20:19:47 2020 +0200
+++ openjdk/src/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/ Wed Sep 30 00:38:06 2020 +0200
@@ -87,14 +87,20 @@
p = Security.getProvider(providerName);
if (p == null) {
- try {
- @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
- Object o = Class.forName(className).newInstance();
- p = (Provider)o;
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new ProviderException
- ("Could not find provider " + providerName, e);
- }
+ p = AccessController.doPrivileged(
+ new PrivilegedAction<Provider>() {
+ public Provider run() {
+ try {
+ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
+ Object o = Class.forName(className).newInstance();
+ return (Provider) o;
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ throw new ProviderException
+ ("Could not find provider " + providerName, e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ );
return p;
......@@ -19,9 +19,16 @@
%bcond_without slowdebug
# Enable release builds by default on relevant arches.
%bcond_without release
# Enable static library builds by default.
%bcond_without staticlibs
# Workaround for stripping of debug symbols from static libraries
%if %{with staticlibs}
%define __brp_strip_static_archive %{nil}
%global include_staticlibs 1
%global include_staticlibs 0
# The -g flag says to use strip -g instead of full strip on DSOs or EXEs.
# This fixes detailed NMT and other tools which need minimal debug info.
......@@ -35,10 +42,14 @@
# (initiated in
%global debug_suffix_unquoted -slowdebug
%global fastdebug_suffix_unquoted -fastdebug
%global main_suffix_unquoted -main
%global staticlibs_suffix_unquoted -staticlibs
# quoted one for shell operations
%global debug_suffix "%{debug_suffix_unquoted}"
%global fastdebug_suffix "%{fastdebug_suffix_unquoted}"
%global normal_suffix ""
%global main_suffix "%{main_suffix_unquoted}"
%global staticlibs_suffix "%{staticlibs_suffix_unquoted}"
%global debug_warning This package is unoptimised with full debugging. Install only as needed and remove ASAP.
%global fastdebug_warning This package is optimised with full debugging. Install only as needed and remove ASAP.
......@@ -145,6 +156,8 @@
%global include_fastdebug_build 0
%global include_fastdebug_build 0
%if %{include_debug_build}
......@@ -165,6 +178,12 @@
# Test slowdebug first as it provides the best diagnostics
%global rev_build_loop %{slowdebug_build} %{fastdebug_build} %{normal_build}
%if %{include_staticlibs}
%global staticlibs_loop %{staticlibs_suffix}
%global staticlibs_loop %{nil}
%ifarch %{bootstrap_arches}
%global bootstrap_build 1
......@@ -172,12 +191,20 @@
%if %{bootstrap_build}
%global release_targets bootcycle-images static-libs-image docs-zip
%global release_targets bootcycle-images docs-zip
%global release_targets images docs-zip static-libs-image
%global release_targets images docs-zip
# No docs nor bootcycle for debug builds
%global debug_targets images static-libs-image
%global debug_targets images
%if %{include_staticlibs}
# Extra target for producing the static-libraries. Separate from
# other targets since this target is configured to use in-tree
# AWT dependencies: lcms, libjpeg, libpng, libharfbuzz, giflib
# and possibly others
%global static_libs_target static-libs-image
# Filter out flags from the optflags macro that cause problems with the OpenJDK build
......@@ -264,7 +291,7 @@
# New Version-String scheme-style defines
%global featurever 11
%global interimver 0
%global updatever 10
%global updatever 11
%global patchver 0
# If you bump featurever, you must bump also vendor_version_string
# Used via new version scheme. JDK 11 was
......@@ -285,7 +312,7 @@
# Define vendor information used by OpenJDK
%global oj_vendor Red Hat, Inc.
%global oj_vendor_url ""
%global oj_vendor_url
# Define what url should JVM offer in case of a crash report
# order may be important, epel may have rhel declared
%if 0%{?epel}
......@@ -310,8 +337,9 @@
%global origin openjdk
%global origin_nice OpenJDK
%global top_level_dir_name %{origin}
%global top_level_dir_name_backup %{top_level_dir_name}-backup
%global buildver 9
%global rpmrelease 4
%global rpmrelease 0
#%%global tagsuffix %%{nil}
# Priority must be 8 digits in total; up to openjdk 1.8, we were using 18..... so when we moved to 11, we had to add another digit
%if %is_system_jdk
......@@ -360,7 +388,7 @@
%global jdkimage jdk
%global static_libs_image static-libs
# output dir stub
%define buildoutputdir() %{expand:openjdk/build%{?1}}
%define buildoutputdir() %{expand:build/{?1}}
# we can copy the javadoc to not arched dir, or make it not noarch
%define uniquejavadocdir() %{expand:%{fullversion}.%{_arch}%{?1}}
# main id and dir of this jdk
......@@ -971,8 +999,8 @@ Requires: ca-certificates
# Require javapackages-filesystem for ownership of /usr/lib/jvm/ and macros
Requires: javapackages-filesystem
# Require zone-info data provided by tzdata-java sub-package
# 2020b required as of JDK-8254177 in October CPU
Requires: tzdata-java >= 2020b
# 2021a required as of JDK-8260356 in April 2021 CPU
Requires: tzdata-java >= 2021a
# for support of kernel stream control
# is being `dlopen`ed on demand
Requires: lksctp-tools%{?_isa}
......@@ -1191,10 +1219,6 @@ Patch1001: rh1655466-global_crypto_and_fips.patch
Patch1002: rh1818909-fips_default_keystore_type.patch
# RH1860986: Disable TLSv1.3 with the NSS-FIPS provider until PKCS#11 v3.0 support is available
Patch1004: rh1860986-disable_tlsv1.3_in_fips_mode.patch
# RH1868740: FIPS: IllegalAccessException by pkcs11 provider
Patch1005: rh1868740-cryptoki_access_to_sunjce.patch
# RH1883849: FIPS: IllegalAccessException by pkcs11 provider with security manager on
Patch1006: rh1883849-cryptoki_access_to_sunjce_with_security_manager.patch
# RH1915071: Always initialise JavaSecuritySystemConfiguratorAccess
Patch1007: rh1915071-always_initialise_configurator_access.patch
......@@ -1220,8 +1244,6 @@ Patch3: rh649512-remove_uses_of_far_in_jpeg_libjpeg_turbo_1_4_compat_for_jdk1
Patch4: pr3694-rh1340845-support_fedora_rhel_system_crypto_policy.patch
# PR3695: Allow use of system crypto policy to be disabled by the user
Patch7: pr3695-toggle_system_crypto_policy.patch
# RH1868754: FIPS: Ciphers remain in broken state (unusable), after being supplied with wrongly sized buffer
Patch11: rh1868754-pkcs11_cancel_on_failure.patch
......@@ -1270,8 +1292,8 @@ BuildRequires: java-%{buildjdkver}-openjdk-devel
%ifnarch %{jit_arches}
BuildRequires: libffi-devel
# 2020b required as of JDK-8254177 in October CPU
BuildRequires: tzdata-java >= 2020b
# 2021a required as of JDK-8260356 in April 2021 CPU
BuildRequires: tzdata-java >= 2021a
# Earlier versions have a bug in tree vectorization on PPC
BuildRequires: gcc >= 4.8.3-8
......@@ -1378,6 +1400,8 @@ The %{origin_nice} %{featurever} development tools.
%if %{include_staticlibs}
%if %{include_normal_build}
%package static-libs
Summary: %{origin_nice} %{featurever} libraries for static linking
......@@ -1410,6 +1434,9 @@ The %{origin_nice} %{featurever} libraries for static linking.
# staticlibs
%if %{include_normal_build}
%package jmods
Summary: JMods for %{origin_nice} %{featurever}
......@@ -1584,16 +1611,16 @@ if [ $prioritylength -ne 8 ] ; then
# OpenJDK patches
# Remove libraries that are linked by both static and dynamic builds
sh %{SOURCE12} %{top_level_dir_name}
# Remove libraries that are linked
sh %{SOURCE12}
# Patch the JDK
pushd %{top_level_dir_name}
%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p1
%patch3 -p1
%patch4 -p1
%patch7 -p1
%patch11 -p1
popd # openjdk
......@@ -1602,8 +1629,6 @@ popd # openjdk
# Extract systemtap tapsets
......@@ -1696,13 +1721,34 @@ else
debugbuild=`echo $suffix | sed "s/-//g"`
# Variable used in hs_err hook on build failures
for loop in %{main_suffix} %{staticlibs_loop} ; do
if test "x${loop}" = "x%{main_suffix}" ; then
# Copy the source tree so we can remove all in-tree libraries
cp -a %{top_level_dir_name} %{top_level_dir_name_backup}
# Remove all libraries that are linked
sh %{SOURCE12} %{top_level_dir_name} full
# Variable used by configure and hs_err hook on build failures
# Debug builds don't need same targets as release for
# build speed-up
if echo $debugbuild | grep -q "debug" ; then
# Variable used by configure and hs_err hook on build failures
# Static library cycle only builds the static libraries
mkdir -p %{buildoutputdir -- $suffix}
pushd %{buildoutputdir -- $suffix}
top_dir_abs_build_path=$(pwd)/%{buildoutputdir -- ${suffix}${loop}}
mkdir -p ${top_dir_abs_build_path}
pushd ${top_dir_abs_build_path}
bash ../configure \
bash ${top_dir_abs_src_path}/configure \
%ifnarch %{jit_arches}
--with-jvm-variants=zero \
......@@ -1722,11 +1768,11 @@ bash ../configure \
--with-native-debug-symbols=internal \
--enable-unlimited-crypto \
--with-zlib=system \
--with-libjpeg=system \
--with-giflib=system \
--with-libpng=system \
--with-lcms=system \
--with-harfbuzz=system \
--with-libjpeg=${link_opt} \
--with-giflib=${link_opt} \
--with-libpng=${link_opt} \
--with-lcms=${link_opt} \
--with-harfbuzz=${link_opt} \
--with-stdc++lib=dynamic \
--with-extra-cxxflags="$EXTRA_CPP_FLAGS" \
--with-extra-cflags="$EXTRA_CFLAGS" \
......@@ -1737,33 +1783,37 @@ bash ../configure \
--with-jvm-features="%{shenandoah_feature},%{zgc_feature}" \
# Debug builds don't need same targets as release for
# build speed-up
if echo $debugbuild | grep -q "debug" ; then
make \
LOG=trace \
$maketargets || ( pwd; find $top_dir_abs_path -name "hs_err_pid*.log" | xargs cat && false )
$maketargets || ( pwd; find ${top_dir_abs_src_path} ${top_dir_abs_build_path} -name "hs_err_pid*.log" | xargs cat && false )
popd >& /dev/null
# Restore original source tree if we modified it by removing full in-tree sources
if [ -d %{top_level_dir_name_backup} ] ; then
rm -rf %{top_level_dir_name}
mv %{top_level_dir_name_backup} %{top_level_dir_name}
done # end of main / staticlibs loop
top_dir_abs_main_build_path=$(pwd)/%{buildoutputdir -- ${suffix}%{main_suffix}}
# the build (erroneously) removes read permissions from some jars
# this is a regression in OpenJDK 7 (our compiler):
find images/%{jdkimage} -iname '*.jar' -exec chmod ugo+r {} \;
find ${top_dir_abs_main_build_path}/images/%{jdkimage} -iname '*.jar' -exec chmod ugo+r {} \;
# Build screws up permissions on binaries
find images/%{jdkimage} -iname '*.so' -exec chmod +x {} \;
find images/%{jdkimage}/bin/ -exec chmod +x {} \;
popd >& /dev/null
find ${top_dir_abs_main_build_path}/images/%{jdkimage} -iname '*.so' -exec chmod +x {} \;
find ${top_dir_abs_main_build_path}/images/%{jdkimage}/bin/ -exec chmod +x {} \;
# Install nss.cfg right away as we will be using the JRE above
export JAVA_HOME=$(pwd)/%{buildoutputdir -- $suffix}/images/%{jdkimage}
export JAVA_HOME=${top_dir_abs_main_build_path}/images/%{jdkimage}
# Install nss.cfg right away as we will be using the JRE above
install -m 644 nss.cfg $JAVA_HOME/conf/security/
......@@ -1783,14 +1833,19 @@ cat man/man1/java.1 >> man/man1/%{alt_java_name}.1
# build cycles
done # end of release / debug cycle loop
# We test debug first as it will give better diagnostics on a crash
for suffix in %{rev_build_loop} ; do
export JAVA_HOME=$(pwd)/%{buildoutputdir -- $suffix}/images/%{jdkimage}
top_dir_abs_main_build_path=$(pwd)/%{buildoutputdir -- ${suffix}%{main_suffix}}
%if %{include_staticlibs}
top_dir_abs_staticlibs_build_path=$(pwd)/%{buildoutputdir -- ${suffix}%{staticlibs_loop}}
export JAVA_HOME=${top_dir_abs_main_build_path}/images/%{jdkimage}
#check Shenandoah is enabled
%if %{use_shenandoah_hotspot}
......@@ -1807,7 +1862,7 @@ $JAVA_HOME/bin/java $(echo $(basename %{SOURCE14})|sed "s|\.java||")
# Check correct vendor values have been set
$JAVA_HOME/bin/javac -d . %{SOURCE16}
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java $(echo $(basename %{SOURCE16})|sed "s|\.java||") "%{oj_vendor}" %{oj_vendor_url} %{oj_vendor_bug_url}
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java $(echo $(basename %{SOURCE16})|sed "s|\.java||") "%{oj_vendor}" "%{oj_vendor_url}" "%{oj_vendor_bug_url}"
# Check java launcher has no SSB mitigation
if ! nm $JAVA_HOME/bin/java | grep set_speculation ; then true ; else false; fi
......@@ -1819,10 +1874,12 @@ nm $JAVA_HOME/bin/%{alt_java_name} | grep set_speculation
if ! nm $JAVA_HOME/bin/%{alt_java_name} | grep set_speculation ; then true ; else false; fi
%if %{include_staticlibs}
# Check debug symbols in static libraries (smoke test)
export STATIC_LIBS_HOME=$(pwd)/%{buildoutputdir -- $suffix}/images/%{static_libs_image}
export STATIC_LIBS_HOME=${top_dir_abs_staticlibs_build_path}/images/%{static_libs_image}
readelf --debug-dump $STATIC_LIBS_HOME/lib/libfdlibm.a | grep w_remainder.c
readelf --debug-dump $STATIC_LIBS_HOME/lib/libfdlibm.a | grep e_remainder.c
# Check debug symbols are present and can identify code
find "$JAVA_HOME" -iname '*.so' -print0 | while read -d $'\0' lib
......@@ -1908,12 +1965,17 @@ STRIP_KEEP_SYMTAB=libjvm*
for suffix in %{build_loop} ; do
top_dir_abs_main_build_path=$(pwd)/%{buildoutputdir -- ${suffix}%{main_suffix}}
%if %{include_staticlibs}
top_dir_abs_staticlibs_build_path=$(pwd)/%{buildoutputdir -- ${suffix}%{staticlibs_loop}}
# Install the jdk
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}
cp -a %{buildoutputdir -- $suffix}/images/%{jdkimage} \
$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- $suffix}
cp -a ${jdk_image} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- $suffix}
pushd %{buildoutputdir $suffix}/images/%{jdkimage}
pushd ${jdk_image}
%if %{with_systemtap}
# Install systemtap support files
......@@ -1957,18 +2019,19 @@ pushd %{buildoutputdir $suffix}/images/%{jdkimage}
# Install static libs artefacts
%if %{include_staticlibs}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- $suffix}/lib/static/linux-%{archinstall}/glibc
cp -a %{buildoutputdir -- $suffix}/images/%{static_libs_image}/lib/*.a \
cp -a ${top_dir_abs_staticlibs_build_path}/images/%{static_libs_image}/lib/*.a \
$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir -- $suffix}/lib/static/linux-%{archinstall}/glibc
if ! echo $suffix | grep -q "debug" ; then
# Install Javadoc documentation
install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}
cp -a %{buildoutputdir $suffix}/images/docs $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{uniquejavadocdir $suffix}
cp -a ${top_dir_abs_main_build_path}/images/docs $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{uniquejavadocdir -- $suffix}
cp -a %{buildoutputdir -- $suffix}/bundles/${built_doc_archive} \
$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{uniquejavadocdir -- $suffix}.zip || ls -l %{buildoutputdir -- $suffix}/bundles/
cp -a ${top_dir_abs_main_build_path}/bundles/${built_doc_archive} \
$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{uniquejavadocdir -- $suffix}.zip || ls -l ${top_dir_abs_main_build_path}/bundles/
# Install release notes
......@@ -2194,8 +2257,10 @@ end
%files devel
%{files_devel %{nil}}
%if %{include_staticlibs}
%files static-libs
%{files_static_libs %{nil}}
%files jmods
%{files_jmods %{nil}}
......@@ -2226,8 +2291,10 @@ end
%files devel-slowdebug
%{files_devel -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}}
%if %{include_staticlibs}
%files static-libs-slowdebug
%{files_static_libs -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}}
%files jmods-slowdebug
%{files_jmods -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}}
......@@ -2250,8 +2317,10 @@ end
%files devel-fastdebug
%{files_devel -- %{fastdebug_suffix_unquoted}}
%if %{include_staticlibs}
%files static-libs-fastdebug
%{files_static_libs -- %{fastdebug_suffix_unquoted}}
%files jmods-fastdebug
%{files_jmods -- %{fastdebug_suffix_unquoted}}
......@@ -2265,6 +2334,28 @@ end
* Thu Apr 15 2021 Andrew Hughes <> - 1:
- Update to jdk-
- Update release notes to
- Require tzdata 2020f to match upstream change JDK-8259048
- Require tzdata 2021a to match upstream change JDK-8260356
- Remove RH1868754 patch as this is now resolved upstream by JDK-8258833
- Remove RH1868740 & RH1883849 patches as these are now resolved by JDK-8259319
- This tarball is embargoed until 2021-04-20 @ 1pm PT.
- Resolves: rhbz#1938201
* Thu Apr 15 2021 Jayashree Huttanagoudar <> - 1:
- Fix issue where test erroneously passes when it should fail.
- Add proper quoting so '&' is not treated as a special character by the shell.
- Fixed not-including fastdebug build in case of --without fastdebug
- Resolves: rhbz#1938201
* Mon Feb 22 2021 Andrew Hughes <> - 1:
- Perform static library build on a separate source tree with bundled image libraries
- Make static library build optional
- Based on initial work by Severin Gehwolf
- Resolves: rhbz#1930513
* Mon Jan 18 2021 Andrew Hughes <> - 1:
- Fix accidental use of $ instead of % for variable reference.
- Resolves: rhbz#1908972
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