Minor cleanups & Move appending PARRTUUID to a %post action in the ks
Minor cleanups
- RPI's do not have a bootlaoder known by linux distro's
- chrony is already enabled @services
- remove script for wifi fix, it is already done @image creation
- rootfs-expand needs root privileges
_Group sections in functional order _ (Note this does not change anything, to me this workflow makes the ks more readable)
- first all system related tweaks
- second user creation
- last cleanup
Clean yum cache
- should reduce size shipped compressed image
Refactor default user creation
- FIXME: why does the kickstart fail to create a user with appliance-tools?
Move PARRTUUID to a %post action in the ks
- also chown the result ro the $SUDO_USER if ran with sudo
Edited by Mark Verlinde